Conversation Between Tyler6270 and gunsofarsenal
Tyler6270 said:
11-18-2010 07:55 PM
Bro.. I know it's not for rich kids, I'm not rich lol. I was saying that to be sarcastic because anyone who has heard of Akron knows it isn't for rich kids... The place I know for rich kids is like Jackson Township. I don't drive bro I just walk around, I promised one of my buds about a year younger than me I would wait for him to get his temps so we could do drivers ed together. I do have game night man every single day. My favorite game is totally sorry. And your right, me typing this to you is taking up all my time. I have to go eat brunch now, and I don't live in Akron anymore just an F.Y.I.
gunsofarsenal said:
11-15-2010 03:12 PM
Yo, tyler before you pimp yourself as a rich kid and act like your jesse james of hollywood f*cktard you should not run your mouth before you know where someone is from. Get a load of this moron, I was born and raised in OHIO dumbf*ck and Akron is not a bunch of rich kids...its got its getto as F*ck areas just like every other place in ohio..... rich areas.....Try Bevercreek OH Bellbrook OH....Hamilton OH and what I mean about the probation is don't act like your all gangter as f*ck while you drive a little metro hybrid 4 banger and still have game night with your parents. I have seen more sh*t then you will ever see in your lifetime so unless you want to grow some balls behind that keyboard and talk your little boy babbling bullsh*t then go have tea and brunch with your mummy and f*ck off