Conversation Between Hugo Zhor and ShadowLeeSharp

  1. ShadowLeeSharp's Avatar

    ShadowLeeSharp said:
    Hehe you can call me Olivia tee hee hee
    That's totally fine we're always here Yes, we are Visitor Page Terrorists especially ME Lol!!

    that's awesome, lol thats what I think whenever I see your name xP
  2. ShadowLeeSharp's Avatar

    ShadowLeeSharp said:
    Hugo?? You know whenever I see your username I think it's saying Hug-o-sawr O.o don't ask me how I got that lmbo!!

    Yes, we shall terrorize his little wall
  3. ShadowLeeSharp's Avatar

    ShadowLeeSharp said: