Conversation Between tackpic_47 and Losg

  1. tackpic_47's Avatar

    tackpic_47 said:
    refresh my page...
  2. Losg's Avatar

    Losg said:
  3. tackpic_47's Avatar

    tackpic_47 said:
    like i said im on the site everday while im in school around the time of [U]10:00[/U]
  4. tackpic_47's Avatar

    tackpic_47 said:
    put something new out...iimm waiting
  5. tackpic_47's Avatar

    tackpic_47 said:
    yo i didn't get the chance to do the demo....but yeah im in mississippi now...
  6. Losg's Avatar

    Losg said:
    dats wats up
  7. tackpic_47's Avatar

    tackpic_47 said:
    i bout to record a demo on a beat...its in my soundcloud favorites..REMJAM BEAT..