fadat sham cametaaye golam.mer0 <3<3<3<3<3<3<3<3<3<3 maloome ke vasat doa mikonam.shomam mano doa kon.mage chanta cametaa darim (*_*)
Lovely to see ya back at allthelyrics! Everything OK with you dear? How are your studies going on? Cok selamlar!
Salam walikum cametaa Jan- I am Sara
Knock, knock, azizam? Are you there??? Khobi? Chetori? Please give us a sign!
kojayiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiii????????????????????? give us a sign
A small dedication for you, Cametaa: [URL]http://www.allthelyrics.com/forum/polish/110983-kayah-santana-pl-en.html#post851510[/URL]
Salam dooste khoobam, kojayi? delemoon barat tang shode hesabi.
Cametaa jan? Everything alright with you, azizam? Give us a sign!!! Take extra care of yourself!
salam.delam vasat tang shode.omidvaram zood bargardi va dge hich vaght bi khabar nazari beri
Cametaa - JAN ! Sale no ro BEhet tabriK migaMo omidvaraM sale KHEyli kheyLi khoobi dashte bashI! ! BEST wishes!