fine! Singing in French on thursday ; terrific brainwash I hope your exams go well! Holland &Belgium are great places to visit. Only beware of pickpockets, they're a nuisance in cities. Whereabouts there you are going?
I was born in Rotterdam.
fine, Tulin. Life is kind of very changeable: august: lots of work, september Greece, october: preparations for some work this november... Writing, composing, reading, learning languages... That's bout it. Oh- and sport, of course: I start again next week after 4 months of a break! Just for fun. I like gymnastics, you know. What about that?
Hi there, Tulin. What's up, baby? Been away a lot and came home yesterday. I was in Greece. What do you do these days or what are you going to do this autumn?
Tulin- you're sooo busyyy. Hopefully you have time to enjoy this great summer. The weather is smashing already since May
Yes, today is my first holiday-day and I am more than happy. Soon I'm going on the bicycle to the seaside....
Take care<3<3