username change? administrators, please help!

Thread: username change? administrators, please help!

Tags: administrators, urgent, username change
  1. ShadowPaintedRose's Avatar

    ShadowPaintedRose said:

    Exclamation username change? administrators, please help!

    I signed up for an account by connecting it to my facebook, and I didn't realize that my full name would be stuck as my username. I really don't want people to be able to search for me so easily. How do I officially request a username change? I checked in the FAQ and it said that an administrator can change someone's username in special circumstances such as this.
  2. Tania ATL's Avatar

    Tania ATL said:


    To change your username you have to:

    1) have good reasons to do so (we don't allow free username changing)
    2) PM any administrator or moderator