Songtekst 'Mari Mariio Mariio'(Мари, Марио, Марио) Nadejda Hvoineva

Thread: Songtekst 'Mari Mariio Mariio'(Мари, Марио, Марио) Nadejda Hvoineva

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  1. Laura278 said:

    Default Songtekst 'Mari Mariio Mariio'(Мари, Марио, Марио) Nadejda Hvoineva

    Hi all,

    I'm looking for the song text of the folk song 'Mari Mariio Mariio' from Nadejda Hvoineva. I can't find it anywhere on the internet. Who can help me out?

    Cyrillic is fine. English translation nice, but I can figure that out I guess.


  2. bandziol20's Avatar

    bandziol20 said:
  3. Laura278 said:


    Thanks Bandziol, but that is where I found the song in the first place (autoplay) I tried to write the text down, but that was too difficult for me. Maybe I can try it while playing the song on half speed, but t would be easier if the text was avaiable, of course.
  4. bandziol20's Avatar

    bandziol20 said:
  5. Laura278 said:


    That's 'Mari Marijko', also a song I sing and a lot better to find for lyrics. I think I'll go for the 'half-speed solution'. Thank you for looking it up for me!