I like Glykerias version more .
I like Glykerias version more .
Thanks for the date of that performance, Duffy.
Here's another difficult one for Judge Duffy and Judge Tahira
Ο τραγουδιστής - 1983
I coudn't open the Dalaras version but I found a live Version.
I like Dalaras Version more - as alway I cannot explain why it is this or the other one, it's just a personal feeling.
By the way, while listening to Giota Lydia's waltz, youtube offered me some other song:
"ax as poroussa" by Giota Lydia and by Glykeria. And although I love Glykeria#s music I prefer Giota's version. (maybe because it sounds more oriental :-))
"Giota sang at taverns, Glykeria at festivals, that's the difference."
That's actually a brilliant observation, Duffy. You must have spent some time hanging around both kinds of performance venues.
Anyway, here's another "which is better" question:
Το πεπρωμένο - 1993
With or without Marinella?
No blame Marinella but Dalara's version sound better.
Αν υπάρχει κάτι που δεν χρειάζεται την πλειοψηφία για να είναι σωστό, αυτό είναι η ανθρώπινη συνείδηση.
What do you think, Duffy?
Glenti 101.1 FM 931AM (Xanthi time) 25 December
Το ξέρω πια δε μ’ αγαπάς ( Έρημοι δρόμοι ) - 1977
I think you have to give Ms. Μαραγκόζη a lot of credit for even trying! And, I think her voice has some interesting qualities at certain points in the song - an unexpected power in the lower part of her range ...
There is no comparison, I can not say more. This song is sacred for me..
Αν υπάρχει κάτι που δεν χρειάζεται την πλειοψηφία για να είναι σωστό, αυτό είναι η ανθρώπινη συνείδηση.
This is a perfect example of how over-orchestration kills good music.
Listen to the Dalaras and then listen to the Anagnostakis. Did all the orchestation really make anything better?
Ήρθα κι απόψε στα σκαλοπάτια σου - 1961
Στίχοι: Χαράλαμπος Βασιλειάδης & Νίκος Μουρκάκος
Μουσική: Γιώργος Ζαμπέτας
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Hiix5bb47gM (Dalaras)
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=HR09CloB_xE (Anagnostakis)
I am very sorry to offend you, Duffy, because I respect your taste so much and you have taught me so much here.
But I have to say I think Natasa leaves Marinella "in the dust" on this one.
Μια χαμένη Κυριακή - 1980
Κώστας Χατζής
Marinella does had a better voice than Theodoridou ....
Main difference is that in Marinella's version there's this "strange" orchestration by Hatzis.
If Theodoridou sings the song by using the same orchestration then we'll be able to compare but as things are we really can't say which version is better.
"Gilgamesh, where are you hurrying to?
You will never find that life for which you are looking.
When the gods created man they allotted to him death,
but life they retained in their own keeping"