An odd gap in the "musical record" from 1963-1966

Thread: An odd gap in the "musical record" from 1963-1966

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  1. David Halitsky's Avatar

    David Halitsky said:

    Default An odd gap in the "musical record" from 1963-1966

    The second post of this thread

    shows a chronological collection of zeibekika from 1933 - 2014 that I have heard on various Greek radio stations and web stations over the past month.

    If you look at this collection, you'll see that there is an odd gap spanning the years 1963-66. For these four years, the stations and web stations played only one zeibekika from 1965 - Συννεφιές.

    Was there something going on in these years which decreased the output of songs in general, or songs from laika composers? I would have expected the gap to be during the "coup/junta" years from 1967-1973, but the chronological collection doesn't show any noticeable gap for these years.

    So, is the "zeibekika gap" from 1963-66 just a coincidence, or was some socio-historical factor(s) responsible?

    Thanks as always for considering this question.

    P.S. I do at some point intend to start work on the "zeibekika rhyme concordance" which I mentioned in this thread:

    It should prove to be a very interesting document of cultural history.
  2. David Halitsky's Avatar

    David Halitsky said:


    I think Duffy and Amethystos haven't noticed this thread yet.

    Because I can't believe that neither of them can answer this question - even if the answer is "just coincidence" ...
  3. Amethystos's Avatar

    Amethystos said:


    Period 1960-1967 was probably the best period for Greek society and thus Greek music.
    Mainly the first 5 years of the decade a new wave of composers were responsible for high productivity in records companies.

    On 1964 Theodorakis released Elitis' "Axion Esti" and on 1966 Ritsos' "Romiosini", works which seem like the "Parthenon" of Greek music culture.

    So yes, what you're talking about is a coincidence.
    "Gilgamesh, where are you hurrying to?
    You will never find that life for which you are looking.
    When the gods created man they allotted to him death,
    but life they retained in their own keeping"