Festim Avdia - Te Dashuroj

Thread: Festim Avdia - Te Dashuroj

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  1. Nicole Mårtensson said:

    Default Festim Avdia - Te Dashuroj

    Hiya was wondering if someone could translate this song for me in English please? Thank you in advance!

    sa her vera te iki te shkoj aq un moj un po te kujtoj at her ne shkoll kur u takonim per dashurin ne bisedonim

    sa her vera te iki te shkoj aq here un moj un pd te kujtoj at her ne shkoll kur u takonim per dashurin ne bisedonim

    Te Dashuroj te dashuroj sa tkem jet per ty do te mendoj t'dashuroj t'dashuroj deri sa fryma te me mbaroje.
    t'dashuroj t'dashuroj deeri sa tkem jet per ty do te mendoj
    t'dashuroj t'dashuroj deri sa fryma te me mbaroje

    kur e dashur shpirt me mos te t'kem, i tretur do te jem ne varr, me vete gjithmon do te kem, ne zemren time ama do te mbaj

    Te Dashuroj te dashuroj sa tkem jet per ty do te mendoj t'dashuroj t'dashuroj deri sa fryma te me mbaroje.
    t'dashuroj t'dashuroj deeri sa tkem jet per ty do te mendoj
    t'dashuroj t'dashuroj deri sa fryma te me mbaroje (2x)
  2. feuersteve's Avatar

    feuersteve said:


    Here is the song. Sorry, can't translate.

    Welcome to ATL, Nicole.
    Gott zur Ehr, dem nächsten zur Wehr

    What if they gave a fire and nobody came.
  3. Nicole Mårtensson said:


    Ah, thanks anyway feuersteve and thanks for the welcome!
  4. feuersteve's Avatar

    feuersteve said:


    Here is a good link for Albanian music lyrics and sometimes translations into various languages
    Many song lyrics are listed, but many or not.

    If you can't figure it out, there is an English button now.
    Gott zur Ehr, dem nächsten zur Wehr

    What if they gave a fire and nobody came.