Trumpet Thing - Deeper

Thread: Trumpet Thing - Deeper

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  1. karkitos82 said:

    Default Trumpet Thing - Deeper


    Can someone please help me providing me the lyrics from the song:

    It's on french.

    The lyrics start after 1 min time.

    Can someone please translate it into english?


  2. Music Lover 2010 said:


    The words are too hard to make out very well, and it sounds like it's a strange lyric, but I think it says:

    It's a worm hole.
    The sun of the proud mountain.
    It's a little vale that foams with rays.
    A young soldier, mouth open (or covered), head bare,
    The nape bathing in the cool blue crescent, sleeps.
    vale in its universe
    feet in the...
    when a child smiles...
    Happiness isn't something you experience, it's something you remember-Oscar Levant
  3. nicoloco said:


    What I hear is extracts taken from Arthur Rimbaud's poem "le dormeur du val" so here are the French parts in Café Del Mar's song words and their translation:

    C'est un trou de verdure (It’s a green hollow)
    où le soleil, de la montagne fière, (where the sun, from the proud mountain)
    luit (shines)
    c’est un petit val qui mousse de rayons (it’s a little valley bubbling with sunrays)
    Un soldat jeune, bouche ouverte, tête nue (A young soldier, his mouth open, his head bare)
    Et la nuque baignant dans le frais cresson bleu (his neck bathing in cool blue watercress)
    dort (is sleeping)
    il est étendu dans l’herbe, sous la nue (he is stretched out on the grass, under the skies)
    Pâle dans son lit vert où la lumière pleut (Pale in his green bed where the light falls like rain)
    Les pieds dans les glaïeuls, il dort. Souriant comme (Feet in the gladiolas, he is sleeping. Smiling like...
    Sourirait un enfant malade, il fait un somme: ( ill child would smile, he takes a nap)
    Nature, berce-le chaudement: il a froid. (Nature, rock him warmly: he is cold)