Just so beautiful, Karen.
Fhir a' bhàta, 's na ho ro eileFhir a' bhàta, 's na ho ro eileFhir a' bhàta, 's na ho ro eileMo shoraidh slàn leat'S gach àit' an tèid thu.'S tric mi sealltinn o'n chnoc a's àirde,Feuch am faic mi fear a' bhàta,An tig thu an-diugh, no'n tig thu a-màireach,'S mur tig thu idir gur truagh a tha mi.
Tha mo chridhe-sa briste, brùite'S tric na deòir a' ruith o'm shùilean.An tig thu a-nochd, no am bi mo dhùil riut,No'n dùin mi'n dorus le osna thùrsaich?
'S tric mi foighneachd de luchd nam bàtaAm faic iad thu, no am bheil thu sàbhailt'?Ach 's ann a tha gach aon dhiubh 'g ràitinnGur gòrach mise, ma thug mi gràdh dhuit.Fhir a' bhàta, 's na ho ro eileFhir a' bhàta, 's na ho ro eileFhir a' bhàta, 's na ho ro eileMo shoraidh slàn leat'S gach àit' an tèid thu.Mo shoraidh slàn leat'S gach àit' an tèid thu.
Boatman, o ho ro eile
Boatman, o ho ro eile
Boatman, o ho ro eile
A fond farewell wherever you go
I often look from the highest hill
To try and see the boatman
Will you come today or tomorrow
If you don't come at all I will be downhearted
My heart is broken and bruised
With tears often flowing from my eyes
Will you come tonight or will I expect you
Or will I close the door with a sad sigh?
I often ask people on boats
Whether they see you or whether you are safe
Each of them says
That I was foolish to fall in love with you.