To all the Slavic world: today (24th May) in Bulgaria is celebrated The Day of the Saints Cyril and Methodius or The Day of the Slavonic Literature and Culture
I think those two people should be known to every Slavic nation bacause they not only have invented the first Slavic alphabet but they've done such a great work for the whole Slavic culture apart - they've made the Slavic script and speech official and legal and developed literacy in many Slavic countries in the Middle Ages.
That's why in this day we would like to greet all the countries besides Bulgaria in which a Slavic language is spoken officially: The Russian Federation,Ukraine,Belarus,Poland,The Czech Republic,Slovakia,Slovenia,Croatia,Bosnia and Herzegovina,Montenegro,Serbia and Macedonia.No matter if we're orthodoxes or catholics or muslims and if we use the Cyrillic or the Latin alphabet,we shouldn't forget that once upon a time we've been a whole big family and we still are much closer then we can imagine,and actually can understand much of each other's language
Greetings to all you from Bulgaria!
Поздрави за всички от България!