Aidez- moi s'il vous plait

Thread: Aidez- moi s'il vous plait

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  1. pinky_girl's Avatar

    pinky_girl said:

    Default Aidez- moi s'il vous plait

    Please translate these sentences for me...
    He bought some flowers on his way to the airport and as soon as he got there she arrived and they hugged each other...!

    Merci beaucoup en avancce
  2. Faayzaah' said:


    Il a amené quelques fleurs en venant à l'aéroport et dès qu'il est entré, elle est arrivée et ils se sont embrassés!
  3. pinky_girl's Avatar

    pinky_girl said:


    you answered really quickly...thxxxxxxxxxxxxx and i guess i never ever could translate these sentences on my own...they were so hard...haha
  4. Faayzaah' said:


    You're welcome.
  5. pinky_girl's Avatar

    pinky_girl said:


    another sentence for translation plz:
    when he got up he felt that he is still tired so he decided to take a shower
  6. Faayzaah' said:


    Quand il se réveilla, il sentit qu'il était encore fatigué donc il décida de prendre une douche.
  7. pinky_girl's Avatar

    pinky_girl said:


    merci again