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Svaka zora bez tebe every night spent without you
K'o da mi ne osvane like has never dawned to me
Ne viđam ti drugove I don't meet friends of yours
Da ih pitam za tebe to ask them about you
Kako si i gdje li si How are you? where are you?
Kako dane provodiš how do you spend your time?
A ja život dao bih and I would give my life
Da se meni vratiš ti to make you come back ( to me)
Čije li mi noći sude what nights bring in a verdict upon me
S' kim me to zaboravljaš who is helping you to forget me?
Čije li se ruke trude. whose hands are doing hard?
Da se mene ne sjećaš if you had forgotten me
Čija li si svakog dana to whom do you belong now?
S' kim si me otpisala deleted me out of your life with whom?
Budiš li se nasmijana do you breathe the first morning light smiling?
Il' bi mi se vratila...or would you rather come back to me?
This world is empty without you
But if I could be born again
I would still do the same
And I would never give up on you
Sad bez tebe gubim sve everything I have seems to have been losing without you
Sve što volim nestaneeverything I love vanishes
Svakog dana proklinjem every day I doom
Sudbu što te odvede the destiny that has made you apart
Navikle su ulice the street we used to walk have used to our steps
Da koračaš uz mene
A sad život dao bih and now I'd give my life
Da se budiš kraj meneto be next to me