OK, Duffy - since you are now officially a lyricist, here is a technical challenge for you.
First, to get the "background story" for this challenge, read this thread here:
Then, translate the following English lyrics into Greek in TWO different ways:
Here in Pyla
Here in Pyla we can drink
like brothers
After three drinks I can tell you
Cypriot women are most beautiful
and we will still have
fourth fifth sixth drink
After six drinks you can tell me
Turkish women are most beautiful
and the waiter will still count
seven eight nine rounds.
In the first translation, the lyrics should fit Greek hasapiko rhythm.
In the second translation, the lyrics should fit Greek tsiftetelli rhythm.
If you are a really really good lyricist, you should be able to come up with ONE set of lyrics that will fit both rhythms, since both rhythms are 4/4 (with diffferent accentuation.)
But even if you can't make one set of lyrics to fit both rhythms, try to do two sets of lyrics that are both accurate translations of the English.
That is, both sets of lyrics should "say the same thing" - just in two different ways to fit the two different rhythms.