Sorry, I did my best, hopefully someone can correct my translation. A lot of the sentences are inverted (out of regular order), so it was hard for me. Hope you can still get the main idea of the song though!
Babi Minune feat Denisa - Aproape de inima ta ::.
Close to your heart
1.Nu ma asteptam ca de maine am sa raman fara tine si ai sa-mi rupi sufletul
I didn't wait for myself that starting tomorrow I'll remain without you & I'll "mi rupi" my soul
Daca tie iti e mai bine sa nu mai stau langa tine eu am sa fac cum spui tu
If for you it's better to not stay by my side, I'll do as you say
N-ai vrut ca sa ti langa tine un suflet ce ti-a vrut bine,ti-a fost aproape mereu
You didn't want "ca sa ti" by your side a soul that wanted you better, it was always near you
Sunt un strain pentru tine si plange inima in mine,dar voi fi aici mereu cand iti va fi tie mai greu
I'm a stranger to you & my heart cries in me, but I'll always be here when it's harder for you
Ref.Voi fi mereu langa tine cand ai nevoie de mine fiindca nimeni nu-ti vrea bine,lumea tu sti ca e rea
I'll always be by your side when you need me because no one wants you more, you know the world is evil
Voi fi mereu langa tine cand ai nevoie de mine,voi fi la rau si la bine aproape de inima ta
I'll always be by your side when you need me, I'll be evil & good close to your heart
2.Eu te cunosc cel mai bine,cum ma cunosc eu pe mine,stiu cum e sufletul tau
I know you, the best, like I know myself, I know how your soul is
Cine crezi tu ca o sa poata sa te iubeasca vreodata asa cum te iubesc eu
Who do you believe will ever love you the way I love you?
N-ai vrut ca sa ti langa tine un suflet ce ti-a vrut bine,ti-a fost aproape mereu
Sunt un strain pentru tine si plange inima in mine,dar voi fi aici mereu cand iti va fi tie mai greu
Ref. Voi fi mereu langa tine cand ai nevoie de mine fiindca nimeni nu-ti vrea bine,lumea tu sti ca e rea
Voi mereu langa tine cand ai nevoie de mine,voi fi la rau si la bine aproape de inima ta
Nu ştiu de ce lupt aşa pentru tine.
Ti it l'avìe tut ma adess 't as nen gnente.
Exchange the sunshine for brown eyes & dark skies, replace this dull life with you.