Correction of Lyrics

Thread: Correction of Lyrics

Tags: correct, correction, correction of lyrics, search forum
  1. avard said:

    Default Correction of Lyrics

    I don't know how this works.
    I've clicked on the "correct"-button and did my job for "Smokin Suckaz Wit Logit - Mutha made 'em".
    But there are still the badly wrong lyrics.

    I've tried to search here for an answer, but when I search for the keyword "correct" or "correction" in this forum... :-D
    It seems you can forget a search like this.
  2. Tania ATL's Avatar

    Tania ATL said:


    Hello, avard!

    First of all, thanks for correcting the lyrics, your correction becomes visible usually in 48 hours. That's because we don't change lyrics text immediately - sometimes some people put wrong lyrics, try to delete lyrics or add bad words. So every correction is manually checked by operator, and then printed on site if approved.

    As to absence of 'correct' or 'correction' topics on the forum - well, no one asked about it prior, you're first. I'll describe process of adding and correcting lyrics in separate topic on the forum.