Kreş - Takım Elbise Suratlı Adamlar/Daha Hızlı

Thread: Kreş - Takım Elbise Suratlı Adamlar/Daha Hızlı

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  1. partizanka's Avatar

    partizanka said:

    Default Kreş - Takım Elbise Suratlı Adamlar/Daha Hızlı

    I've been trying with these two songs, but not getting very far...Any help with missing parts and corrections would be really appreciated.

    Takım Elbise Suratlı Adamlar // ( I do not understand this- A suit? serious men?)

    Sağım solum önüm arkam hepsi palavra // Everythings bullshit on every side of me
    Sendemi Brütüs onlara uydun sonunda // E tu Brutus? ________

    Ne oldu bak... // What happened, look

    Sana bana benzemez ki onlar // They aren't like us (you, me)
    Takım elbise suratlı adamlar // (see above )
    Kapıdan kovsan bacadan damlar // ?
    Takım elbise suratlı adamlar // ?

    Kandi dilimde duyduklarımdan utandım // ?_____ on my tongue? I was too shy to touch
    Bu mu benim bu mu benim geleceğim? // Is this my, is this my future?

    Geliyorlar üstüme üstüme // They're coming on me (?)
    Biliyorlar yerimi yerimi // They know where I am
    Duyuyorlar sesimi sesimi // They hear my voice
    Okuyorlar fikrimi fikrimi // They're reading my mind (?)

    Daha Hızlı // Faster/Louder

    Zamanı geLmemiş // Seems like the time has come
    Sözleri söyLemek // To say something
    Kadere karşı işLenmiş suç ise // (I understand the words, I think, but not the meaning together)
    Evet söyLedim // Yes, I spoke
    Ben söyLedim // I (was the one who) spoke
    Doğruyken hepsi yaLan dedim // While telling the truth, everything I said was a lie (?)
    Çek ayağını frenden // Take your foot off the brake (?)
    Kader denen şey // (don't know what is 'denen')
    Yaşat hayatı bana daha hızLı // (Don't really get this... Make life for me faster? )

    Sabit çiviLenmiş
    Otomatik bir hayat kurup
    Huzur buLanLardan
    Hiç değiLim // I'm not at all
    O ben değiLim // I'm not that
    Kader sus payı verdi // Fate gave "hush money"
    Reddettim // I refused it

    Yok,yok,yok,yok,yok // Noooooooooooo
    İstemem bu kaderi // I don't want this fate

    Yavaş yavaş değiL // It's not slow at all
    Daha daha hızLı // Faster

    I think I just made this more complicated/messy. But I wanted to show that I at least tried
  2. partizanka's Avatar

    partizanka said:


    Quote Originally Posted by Milena View Post
    Takım Elbise Suratlı Adamlar // ( I do not understand this- A suit? serious men?) // Suit-faced Men (great title )
    Love that. Is that an expression in Turkish or is that a Kreş-original line?

    Quote Originally Posted by Milena View Post
    Kapıdan kovsan bacadan damlar // They turn up like a bad penny (Lit. If you fire him from door he will drip from chimney)
    I looked up these I don't feel so bad that I couldn't make sense of them.

    Thank you very much, Milena. I loved this song before, now even more. Cool lyrics.
  3. partizanka's Avatar

    partizanka said:


    Quote Originally Posted by Milena View Post
    Made in Kreş.
    Where exactly is that place? I badly want to go.

    Sade and Milena, have either of you heard either of these two songs? I think you both might like them.
  4. Sade said:


    Just listened to the first one because the title attracted me! I thought it was okay.

    Liked this part 'geliyorlar üstüme üstüme......okuyorlaaaar fikrimiiiii'
  5. partizanka's Avatar

    partizanka said:


    Quote Originally Posted by Milena View Post
    I listened to both of them, I guess my favourites are still Zaman Yok, Kafiye and Yarım Kalan Şarap.
    Fine! I take back everything positive I have ever said about your taste and Sade's taste.
    Actually in Takım Elbise Suratlı Adamlar, I really don't like the saxophone. I almost always think that instrument ruins a song.

    Both of you---go to listen to Hayko or Kurban or some other awful music then!

    P.S. Sade...I also like the part you mentioned...he sounds so cool there.
  6. partizanka's Avatar

    partizanka said:


    Again, I didn't want to start a new thread, but I'll link to this later in "update the songs"...I promise.
    If someones gets a chance to check these lyrics, please.

    Kurban- Yok

    Gözlerin görmez olmuş // Your eyes (seemed to) become unseeing
    Neden ağlarsın boş yere // Why do you cry in vain?
    Dünyanın aklı durmuş // (Seems like) the world's mind stopped
    Söylenenler yalandan yere // (?)
    Zorbaya hak verenler, yüceltenler şimdi nerde // A bully got respect, exalted, now where

    Söyleyin şimdi nerde // Tell (me) where now

    Hiç gören yok // You see nothing at all
    Hiç bilen yok // You know nothing at all

    Sevgimiz dünde kalmış // Our love remained in yesterday (a thing of the past)
    Ağıt yakmış, ağlar bize // Lamented, (it) weeps for us
    İnsanlık çekip gitmiş // Humanity has gone
    Kimse bilmez şimdi nerde // Nobody knows where it is now
  7. Sade said:


    Daha Hızlı // Faster/Louder

    Zamanı geLmemiş sözleri söyLemek
    If saying the words before their time has come
    Kadere karşı işLenmiş suç ise
    is a crime towards fate

    Evet söyLedim
    Yes, I spoke
    Ben söyLedim
    I (was the one who) spoke
    Doğruyken hepsi yaLan dedim
    While everything was the truth I said they were lies
    Çek ayağını frenden
    Take your foot off the brake
    Kader denen şey
    The thing called fate
    Yaşat hayatı bana daha hızLı
    Let me live the life faster

    Sabit çiviLenmiş
    To build a fixed
    Otomatik bir hayat kurup
    automatic life
    Huzur buLanLardan
    (and) be satisfied with that
    Hiç değiLim
    I'm not at all (like those people)
    O ben değiLim
    I'm not that
    Kader sus payı verdi
    Fate gave "hush money"
    I refused it

    İstemem bu kaderi
    I don't want this fate

    Yavaş yavaş değiL
    Not slower and slower
    Daha daha hızLı
    But faster and faster

    hey parti,
    I tried to correct some parts. And I like this song actually. ( and no i'm not just saying that cos of your 'mad' post)
  8. partizanka's Avatar

    partizanka said:


    Quote Originally Posted by Milena View Post
    You've just broken your oath. (i.e Kağıt Evler's lyrics.)
    Lol...I'm not the stubborn one here, remember?

    Sade...Thanks! (you know the hide-and-seek game I have with "thank-you". But I will find it. And you will be thanked!!!)
    I knew you would see it my way, i.e. to like that song.
  9. partizanka's Avatar

    partizanka said:


    Quote Originally Posted by Milena View Post
    Stubborn + hypocrite.
    If you are describing me-
    If you are describing yourself- I must politely, but strongly, disagree. You are much cooler person than you think you are.

    "Yok"- Grazie! The meaning is much clearer to me now (many lines I was confused)...I really really am glad.
    And I'm frustrated that I keep making the same error- if the verb ends with '_n' (like "bilen") I keep assuming it means "2nd person-you"...
    Thank you both!