Which two 80s tunes does this recent song borrow from?

Thread: Which two 80s tunes does this recent song borrow from?

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  1. pianoman74 said:

    Default Which two 80s tunes does this recent song borrow from?


    I'm currently racking my brains, but I can't remember the second song where this 2007 Girls Aloud tune borrows from (harmonically, that is)

    First is Wham! - Everything She Wants, with no doubt:

    But there must be some other one that uses this sort of harmonic combination, especially---that'll be one for the musicians only---this quite interesting 3-part combination of
    ... I (sus 4) -> I (#9) -> I (7)

    at the end of the musical section, e. g. D(sus4) -> D7 #9 -> D7 in a D key; first is long, the other ones change in quite a short sequence.
  2. Dapps's Avatar

    Dapps said:


    It's a different key but hey ................ Amy - Back To Black... that's what I hear


    Love this track.
  3. pianoman74 said:


    Thanks! Key doesn't matter, it's the chord transition that matters.
  4. Dapps's Avatar

    Dapps said:


    Well yes I kinda knew that

    Is this solved now or are you thinking of something else?
  5. pianoman74 said:


    Well, rather ... patiently waiting for some more suggestions to come up...

    (Since there is probably not "THAT ONE" answer).
  6. atmaestro's Avatar

    atmaestro said:


    The intro to the Girls Aloud reminds me of the raggae song "Buffalo Soldiers" but the rest of the song did not ring any bells.

    I have heard the Wham! song so many times that any potential "origins" have been wiped from my little grey cells.
    Them that can, do; them that can't... memorize Artist and Title
  7. jp12345 said:


    Quote Originally Posted by atmaster View Post
    I have heard the Wham! song so many times that any potential "origins" have been wiped from my little grey cells.
    I think the OP was saying that the Girls Aloud song borrows from the Wham! song.