Reza Sadeghi - Ashena

Thread: Reza Sadeghi - Ashena

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  1. desert rose's Avatar

    desert rose said:

    Default Reza Sadeghi - Ashena


    تو با منی هرجا برم مهر تو بند جونمه
    عشقت نمیره از سرم تو پوست و استخونمه
    یکدم اگه نبینمت یه دنیا دلتنگت میشم
    نگاه دریایی تو آبیه روی آتیشم

    واست دلم واست تنم , واست تمام زندگیم
    از تو دوباره من شدم با تو تموم شد خستگیم

    نم نم بارون چشام گواه عشق پاکمه
    همنفس قسمت من دوست دارم یه عالمه
    قشنگ ترین خاطره هام با تو و از تو گفتنه

    آرامش وجود من صدای تو شنفتنه

    تو با منی هرجا برم مهر تو بند جونمه
    عشقت نمیره از سرم تو پوست و استخونمه
    یکدم اگه نبینمت یه دنیا دلتنگت میشم
    نگاه دریایی تو آبیه روی آتیشم

    واست دلم واست تنم , واست تمام زندگیم
    از تو دوباره من شدم با تو تموم شد خستگیم

    To ba mani Harja beram, mehre to bande jooname
    Eshghet nemire az saram, too poost'o ostokhooname
    Yekdam age nabinamet, ye donya del tanget misham
    Negahe daryaeeye to, abiye rooye atisham

    Vasat delam, vasat tanam, vasat tamame zendegim
    Az to dobare man shodam, ba to tamoom shod khastegim
    Vasat delam, vasat tanam, vasat tamame zendegim
    Az to dobare man shodam, ba to tamoom shod khastegim

    Nam nameh baroone chesham, govahe eshghe paakame
    Hamnafase ghesmate man dooset daram ye alame
    Ghashnagtarin khaterehaam ba to o az to goftane
    Arameshe vojoode man sedaye to shenoftane

    Nam nameh baroone chesham, govahe eshghe paakame
    Hamnafase ghesmate man dooset daram ye alame
    Ghashnagtarin khaterehaam ba to o az to goftane
    Arameshe vojoode man sedaye to shenoftane

    To ba mani Harja beram, mehre to bande jooname
    Eshghet nemire az saram, too poost'o ostokhooname
    Yekdam age nabinamet, ye donya del tanget misham
    Negahe daryaeeye to, abiye rooye atisham

    Vasat delam, vasat tanam, vasat tamame zendegim
    Az to dobare man shodam, ba to tamoom shod khastegim
    Vasat delam, vasat tanam, vasat tamame zendegim
    Az to dobare man shodam, ba to tamoom shod khastegim
    Last edited by afsaneh; 09-09-2012 at 02:03 PM. Reason: Artist – Song name or names
  2. desert rose's Avatar

    desert rose said:


    Doesn't anybody want to translate this song for me?!?Akhhh ;(
  3. Armita's Avatar

    Armita said:


    I will do that for you...don't worry

    To ba mani Harja beram, mehre to bande jooname
    (you're with me and wherever I go your love will remain in my heart)
    Eshghet nemire az saram, too poost'o ostokhooname
    (I will never get over your love because it's a part of my own soul)
    Yekdam age nabinamet, ye donya del tanget misham
    (if I don't see you even for a short while I will feel gloomy)
    Negahe daryaeeye to, abiye rooye atisham
    (your blue eyes are like water that cures the fire inside of me)

    Vasat delam, vasat tanam, vasat tamame zendegim
    (my heart is yours,my body is yours,my life is yours)
    Az to dobare man shodam, ba to tamoom shod khastegim
    (I could find myself just because of you and my tiredness has faded away)
    Vasat delam, vasat tanam, vasat tamame zendegim
    (my heart is yours,my body is yours,my life is yours)
    Az to dobare man shodam, ba to tamoom shod khastegim
    (I could find myself just because of you and my tiredness has faded away)

    Nam nameh baroone chesham, govahe eshghe paakame
    (the tears which fall down of my eyes are the evidence of my ineccent love)
    Hamnafase ghesmate man dooset daram ye alame
    (you're a part of my destiny, I love you so much)
    Ghashnagtarin khaterehaam ba to o az to goftane
    (the most beautiful memories are the memories of you and the memories about you)
    Arameshe vojoode man sedaye to shenoftane
    (the comfort of my soul is hearing your voice)

    the rest is repeated.
    hope you like it
  4. desert rose's Avatar

    desert rose said:


    Thank you very much!Lotf darid. The translation is perfect. Kheily khoshhal shodam ^_^
  5. Armita's Avatar

    Armita said:


    ghabeli nadasht