Luis Miguel - Inolvidable

Thread: Luis Miguel - Inolvidable

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  1. citlalli's Avatar

    citlalli said:

    Default Luis Miguel - Inolvidable

    En la vida hay amores que nunca
    pueden olvidarse
    imborrables momentos que siempre
    guarda el corazón
    Porque aquello que un día nos hizo
    temblar de alegría
    es mentira que hoy pueda olvidarse
    con un nuevo amor
    In this life there are loves which can never
    be forgotten,
    indelible moments which our heart
    keeps forever,
    as it is a lie that that which one day made us
    tremble with joy
    can be forgotten today
    with a new love

    He besado otras bocas buscando
    nuevas ansiedades
    y otros brazos extraños me estrechan
    llenos, llenos de emoción
    Pero sólo consiguen hacerme
    recordar los tuyos
    que inolvidablemente vivirán en mi
    que inolvidablemente vivirán en mi
    I have kissed other lips searching for
    new emotions,
    and other arms hug me
    full of, full of excitement,
    but they only manage to make me
    remember yours,
    which, unforgettably, will live in me
    which, unforgettably, will live in me

    (Inolvidable... inolvidable)
    (Unforgettable... unforgettable)

    En la vida hay amores que nunca
    pueden olvidarse, deben olvidarse, nunca olvidarse
    no no no
    In this life there are loves which
    can never, must never be forgotten, never forgotten,
    no no no

    (Inolvidable... inolvidable)

    En la vida hay amores que nunca
    pueden olvidarse, deben olvidarse, nunca olvidarse

    “If cats looked like frogs we'd realize what nasty, cruel little bastards they are. Style. That's what people remember.” ― Terry Pratchett.
  2. VivaPalestina's Avatar

    VivaPalestina said:


    Te amo <3<3 Do you have any of these songs you can send me querida?
  3. citlalli's Avatar

    citlalli said:


    Not all of them, but I do have some; just give me some time to search through all the file mess in my computer
    “If cats looked like frogs we'd realize what nasty, cruel little bastards they are. Style. That's what people remember.” ― Terry Pratchett.
  4. Zahra2008's Avatar

    Zahra2008 said:


    you can download this one here

    click on "descargar ahora" means download now
    the first love is gone ... am waiting for the last one!!