Hay, Hai, n Hallo.
Shadow here saying that I um have WRITERS BLOCK AGRHHHH!!!
Yeah, huge block like- it's as big as- my truck.
THIS TIME, it's not cause I haven't eaten or slept. It's just cause I haven't really, thought of anything lately.
So like, the "To Hell With You" song, yeah I wrote it about who I used to be n blah da blah blah whoop ah dee doo!
I live happily ever after in H-E double hockey stix
I just wanted to know if y'all had a story or like a cool title or a little block of lyrics to Loan meh n maybe I could splash "Shadow's Magic" on there.
LIKE.. Just a title u wouldn't have to put a distribution on there if you don't want to... Hey I could even write a song about YOU.. It doesn't even matter just save you're Spuddie Shadow from her big ol' writers block!!!!!!!!
P.S id appreciate it if you would 9_9...