More translation needed!

Thread: More translation needed!

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    .:BiLLiE:. said:

    Red face More translation needed!

    "I don't know what these pages may contain by the time I put this book in your hand. I do know, however that it will be filled with my love and friendship."

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    God Knows Our Limits

    But You, O LORD, are a God merciful and gracious, slow to anger and abundant in lovingkindness and truth. Psalms 86:15

    Our Lord understands our limits. He realizes our struggles. He knows how much pressure we can take. He knows what measures of grace and mercy and strength we'll require. He knows how we're put together.
    Frankly, His expectations are not nearly as unrealistic as ours. When we don't live up to the agenda we have set, we feel like He is going to dump a truckload of judgment on us. But that will not happens. So why do we fear it could?

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    The Sheltering Tree of Friendship

    A friend loves at all times, and a brother is born for adversity. Proverbs 17:17

    The poet Samuel Coleridge once described friendship as a "sheltering tree." When you have this quality, the branches of your friendship reach out over the lives of others, giving them shelter, shade, rest, relief, and encouragement....
    Friends give comfort. We find strength near them. They bear fruit that provides nourishment and ecouragement. When something troublesome occurs in our life, we pick up the phone and call a friend, needing the comfort he or she provides. I think there are few things more lonely than having no friend to call. Friends also care enough about us to hold us accountable. . . but we never doubt their love or respect.

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    "You will always be the best friend I've ever known."
  2. moniba said:


    "I don't know what these pages may contain by the time I put this book in your hand. I do know, however that it will be filled with my love and friendship."

    No se lo que puedan contener estas páginas por el momento pongo este libro en tu mano. Yo sé, sin embargo que será colmado con mi amor y amistad.

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    God Knows Our Limits

    But You, O LORD, are a God merciful and gracious, slow to anger and abundant in lovingkindness and truth. Psalms 86:15

    Our Lord understands our limits. He realizes our struggles. He knows how much pressure we can take. He knows what measures of grace and mercy and strength we'll require. He knows how we're put together.
    Frankly, His expectations are not nearly as unrealistic as ours. When we don't live up to the agenda we have set, we feel like He is going to dump a truckload of judgment on us. But that will not happens. So why do we fear it could?

    Dios conoce nuestros límites

    Pero tú, oh Señor, Dios compasivo y bondadoso, lento para enojarte, rico en amor y fidelidad. Salmos 86:15

    Nuestro Señor comprende nuestros límites. Él comprende nuestras luchas. Él conoce cuanta presión podemos soportar. Él conoce las medidas de gracias y misericordia y fuerza que necesitamos. Él sabe cómo estamos creados.

    Sinceramente, sus expectativas no son tan irreales como la nuestra. Cuando nosotros no cumplimos con la agenda que hemos establecido, sentimos como si Él nos fuera a verter un camión lleno de juicios sobre nosotros. Pero eso no pasará. Entonces ¿Por qué tememos que pase?
  3. moniba said:

    Red face

    El arbol que cobija [i]En todo tiempo ama el amigo, y el hermano nace para el tiempo de angustia. Proverbios 17:17 El Poeta Samuel Coleridge una vez describió la amistad como un "árbol que cobija". Cuando you tienes esta cualidad, las ramas de tu amistad sobrepasan la vida de otros, dándoles refugio, sombra, descanso, alivio y ánimo... Los amigos dan consuelo. Encontramos cerca de ellos fuerza. Ellos dan frutos que proporcionan nutrientes y estímulos. Cuando algun problem ocurre en nuestra vida tomamos el teléfono y llamamos a un amigo, necesitados del consuelo que nos proporciona. Yo creo que existen pocas cosas que sean más desoladas al hecho de no tener a un amigo a quien llamar. Además, lo amigos se preocupan por nosotros pidiéndonos cuentas...pero nosotros nunca dudamos de su amor y respeto.