Mohsen Chavoshi - Gheire Mamooli

Thread: Mohsen Chavoshi - Gheire Mamooli

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  1. darya_123 said:

    Question Mohsen Chavoshi - Gheire Mamooli

    hey i need some help with translation to these songs by mohsen, this is the song-gham o shadi by mohsen chavoshi, this is zibaei
    Gheire Mamooli- , please some help, thank so much!
    Last edited by afsaneh; 10-03-2012 at 03:19 PM. Reason: Artist – Song name or names
  2. astorias's Avatar

    astorias said:

    Default Gheire mamooLi!

    chavOShi -Gheire mamooLi


    دوستی ساده ی ما غیرمعمولی شد
    doostiyE sadeye ma gheire mamooLi shod...
    our simplE friendshiP becamE unusuaL...

    نمیدونم اون روز تو وجودم چی شد
    nemidoonaM oon rooZ too voojoodaM chi shod...
    I don't knoW whaT happened to mE thaT day!

    نمیدونم چی شد که وجودم لرزید
    nemidoonaM chi shod kE voojoodaM larzid...
    i doN't know whaT happened thaT my hearT felt thaT way...

    دله من این حسو از تو زودتر فهمید
    deleH man in hessO az to zoodtar fahmid...
    my hearT could understaNd thiS feeling sooner thaN you!

    تو که باشی پیشم دیگه چی کم دارم؟
    to ke baShi pishaM digeh chi kaM daraM?!
    i doN't have anything lefT when i have yOU!

    چه دلیلی داره از تو دست بردارم؟
    cheH dalili darEh az to dasT bardaraM!?
    there's no reasoN for mE to leave you!

    بین ما کی بیشتر عاشقه من یا تو؟
    beyne ma ki bishtaR ashegheh?! man ya to?!
    who's in love more?! me or you?!

    هر چی شد از حالا همه چیزش با تو
    harChi shod az haLa hamE chizesH ba to!
    whateveR happened , it depends on you!

    دیگه دسته من نیست بستگی داره به تو
    digeH dasteh maN nist! bastegi dare be to!
    i caN't do anything about thIS! it depends on you!

    بستگی داره که تو تا کجا دوسم داری
    basteGi dareH ke to ta koja doosaM dari!
    depeNds on how muCh you love ME!

    بستگی داره که تو تا چه روزی بتونی
    basteGi dareh ke to ta cheh roozi betooNi ...
    depend on sinCe wheN you can

    عاشق من بمونی منو تنها نذاری
    asheghe maN bemooni, mano tanha nazari...
    be in love with me and don't leavE me!

    دست من نبود اگه اینجوری پیش اومد
    dasteH man nabood age injoori pISh oomad!
    it wasn't mY faulT if thiS happened..

    میدونستم خوبی ولی نه تا این حد
    midoonestaM khoobi vali na ta in had...
    i knew you're good! but not this mUCH!!!!

    انگاری صد ساله که تو رو میشناسم
    engaRı sad saleH ke toro mishnasaM!
    feelS likE i know you froM long time ago!

    واسه اینه انگار روی تو حساسم
    vaseH ine engaR rooye to hassasaM!
    thaT's whY it feels like I'm sensitive about YoU!

    منه احساساتی به تو عادت کردم
    manEh ehsasati be to adaT kardaM...
    me, thE sensitive one! I've get used to yoU!

    هر جا باشم آخر به تو برمیگردم
    harja bashaM akhaR be to barmigardaM!
    and I'll coME to you wherever i aM...

    دیگه دسته من نیست بستگی داره به تو

    بستگی داره که تو تا کجا دوسم داری

    بستگی داره که تو تا چه روزی بتونی

    عاشق من بمونی منو تنها نذاری


    you'rE welcoME !
    ـــ★ـــ it seeMs likE every day's the saMe...
    aNd i'm leFt to discoVer on my owN...
    It seemS like everythinG is graY...
    and there's No coloR to beHold..
  3. darya_123 said:


    thank you so much astorias!!!! your the best.. it ment alot, thank you azizam.
  4. astorias's Avatar

    astorias said:


    you're welcomE !
    ـــ★ـــ it seeMs likE every day's the saMe...
    aNd i'm leFt to discoVer on my owN...
    It seemS like everythinG is graY...
    and there's No coloR to beHold..