I really like this song...But it's sort of unclear to me. A lot of things I am understanding in different ways. If anyone nice wants to help me with this, I'd really appreciate it.![]()
Sevda başka, sevgi başka // Passion and affection are two different things (I'm trying to make clear the distinction between these words, if anyone has better idea, please!)
Farkı anladım sonunda // I finally understood the difference
Aşka adım eskisi gibi değil // (I'm not sure if this is "adım" or "ad + ım"...so ? My name to love isn't the same as it was? Or "a step to love isn't the same as it was" ?Something totally different?)
Geriye gidiyor, gidiyor, gidiyor // It comes and goes, goes, goes (what's left is going/goes?)
Hem seni hem kendimi üzmek
Verdiğimiz sözlere ihanet // (Should these two lines be understood together? As in "The betrayal of the promises we made upset both you and me"? But the form of "üzmek" doesn't seem to fit that )
Bir zamanlar aşkı taçlandırdık // Once upon a time, we were crowned by/in love (sorry I don't know if this sounds natural in English)
Ama o krallık şimdi yıkılıyor, yıkılıyor // But now that kingdom is breaking apart
Laf aramızda aşka küstüm ben! // Word between us (i.e. Keep it between us/don't tell anyone else), I'm offended/angry at love
Ayrılık başa gelince // When a separation comes/happens
Zaman son sözü söyleyince // (this is another line I'm thinking of in two ways "when time says the last word" or "the time when you say the last word"...not sure)
Yaraları sarana dek // (does "sarana" come from the verb "sarmak"? Until the wounds are bandaged ?)
Birbirimizi anmışız günahkar, günahkar // We remember/mention each other as sinful (or is the meaning more like "we call each other sinful")
Laf aramızda aşka küstüm ben! // Just between us, I'm offended/angry at love
Suçlamam kimseyi diyemem sebebi sen // I can't blame anyone, I can't say that the reason is you (or should this be "won't", not "can't"?)
Laf aramızda aşka küstüm ben!
Bir yürek kabuğuna çekiliyor adım adım, yavaş yavaş // A heart is withdrawing into its shell, step by step, little by little
Sevgi başka, sevda başka
Farkı anladım en sonunda // In the very end, I understood the difference
If you want to hear: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=apWI_JGoHdw
Thank you.
P.S. Wow, I had a lot of questions.![]()