Kreş- Laf aramızda

Thread: Kreş- Laf aramızda

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  1. partizanka's Avatar

    partizanka said:

    Default Kreş- Laf aramızda

    I really like this song...But it's sort of unclear to me. A lot of things I am understanding in different ways. If anyone nice wants to help me with this, I'd really appreciate it.

    Sevda başka, sevgi başka // Passion and affection are two different things (I'm trying to make clear the distinction between these words, if anyone has better idea, please!)
    Farkı anladım sonunda // I finally understood the difference
    Aşka adım eskisi gibi değil // (I'm not sure if this is "adım" or "ad + ım" ? My name to love isn't the same as it was? Or "a step to love isn't the same as it was" ? Something totally different?)
    Geriye gidiyor, gidiyor, gidiyor // It comes and goes, goes, goes (what's left is going/goes?)

    Hem seni hem kendimi üzmek
    Verdiğimiz sözlere ihanet // (Should these two lines be understood together? As in "The betrayal of the promises we made upset both you and me"? But the form of "üzmek" doesn't seem to fit that )
    Bir zamanlar aşkı taçlandırdık // Once upon a time, we were crowned by/in love (sorry I don't know if this sounds natural in English)
    Ama o krallık şimdi yıkılıyor, yıkılıyor // But now that kingdom is breaking apart

    Laf aramızda aşka küstüm ben! // Word between us (i.e. Keep it between us/don't tell anyone else), I'm offended/angry at love

    Ayrılık başa gelince // When a separation comes/happens
    Zaman son sözü söyleyince // (this is another line I'm thinking of in two ways "when time says the last word" or "the time when you say the last word"...not sure)
    Yaraları sarana dek // (does "sarana" come from the verb "sarmak"? Until the wounds are bandaged ?)
    Birbirimizi anmışız günahkar, günahkar // We remember/mention each other as sinful (or is the meaning more like "we call each other sinful")

    Laf aramızda aşka küstüm ben! // Just between us, I'm offended/angry at love
    Suçlamam kimseyi diyemem sebebi sen // I can't blame anyone, I can't say that the reason is you (or should this be "won't", not "can't"?)

    Laf aramızda aşka küstüm ben!
    Bir yürek kabuğuna çekiliyor adım adım, yavaş yavaş // A heart is withdrawing into its shell, step by step, little by little
    Sevgi başka, sevda başka
    Farkı anladım en sonunda // In the very end, I understood the difference

    If you want to hear:

    Thank you.
    P.S. Wow, I had a lot of questions.
    Last edited by partizanka; 07-31-2011 at 07:27 AM.
  2. Sade said:


    Hello moja!
    First of all, I like this song. That's a surprise since it's from Kres and I didn't like every song from them. So, thank you for posting!

    Aşka adım eskisi gibi değil // (I'm not sure if this is "adım" or "ad + ım" ? My name to love isn't the same as it was? Or "a step to love isn't the same as it was" ? Something totally different?)
    Geriye gidiyor, gidiyor, gidiyor // It comes and goes, goes, goes (what's left is going/goes?)
    You're right with both of your options for the first line. But I wouldn't know what he means with the first translation and because of the next line, I think it's "adim" as in "A step to love isn't the same as it was"
    Geriye gidiyor, gidiyor, gidiyor // It goes back, goes (back), goes (back)

    Can anyone correct me if I'm totally wrong with this?

    Hem seni hem kendimi üzmek
    Verdiğimiz sözlere ihanet // (Should these two lines be understood together? As in "The betrayal of the promises we made upset both you and me"? But the form of "üzmek" doesn't seem to fit that )
    Bir zamanlar aşkı taçlandırdık // Once upon a time, we were crowned by/in love (sorry I don't know if this sounds natural in English)
    Ama o krallık şimdi yıkılıyor, yıkılıyor // But now that kingdom is breaking apart
    Again, you're right. The first two lines can be understood together.
    Hem seni hem kendimi üzmek // Upsetting/To upset you and me
    Verdiğimiz sözlere ihanet // is a betrayal to the promises we made
    Bir zamanlar aşkı taçlandırdık // Once upon a time, we put a crown on love/we crowned love
    Ama o krallık şimdi yıkılıyor, yıkılıyor // But now that kingdom is breaking apart

    Ayrılık başa gelince // When a separation comes/happens
    Zaman son sözü söyleyince // (this is another line I'm thinking of in two ways "when time says the last word" or "the time when you say the last word"...not sure)
    Yaraları sarana dek // (does "sarana" come from the verb "sarmak"? Until the wounds are bandaged ?)
    Birbirimizi anmışız günahkar, günahkar // We remember/mention each other as sinful (or is the meaning more like "we call each other sinful")
    I'm very impressed. =)))
    Zaman son sözü söyleyince // I like how you think this cos it happens often in Turkish, but here it really is only "When time says the last word"
    Yaraları sarana dek // yes "sarana" comes from sarmak and you're completely right with your translation
    Birbirimizi anmışız günahkar, günahkar // Good question! It could be both actually, but also "We remembered each other, like sinners". Reading the whole stanza, I think that makes more sense to me.

    Suçlamam kimseyi diyemem sebebi sen // I can't blame anyone, I can't say that the reason is you (or should this be "won't", not "can't"?)
    Niiice! "I won't blame anyone, I can't say that the reason is you"

    I hope this helps. Corrections are welcome.
  3. partizanka's Avatar

    partizanka said:


    Quote Originally Posted by Moja View Post
    Hello moja!
    First of all, I like this song. That's a surprise since it's from Kres and I didn't like every song from them. So, thank you for posting!
    Hello there m8. Wow, that is a surprise that you like this song...cos it's Kres and cos it's so mellow. But this is good news. I wonder if Layla liked it too! Layla, can I convert you to Kres if not?

    You're right with both of your options for the first line. But I wouldn't know what he means with the first translation and because of the next line, I think it's "adim" as in "A step to love isn't the same as it was"
    Geriye gidiyor, gidiyor, gidiyor // It goes back, goes (back), goes (back)
    Ahh, okay. Can I ask what "geriye" means exactly? I sort of had the impression that it meant something like "that which remains" although I'm not sure why I thought that. (Cilekes has that Kendimden Geriye and I've never seen what that means...would that be like "back from myself" then?)

    Again, you're right. The first two lines can be understood together.
    Hem seni hem kendimi üzmek // Upsetting/To upset you and me
    Verdiğimiz sözlere ihanet // is a betrayal to the promises we made
    Bir zamanlar aşkı taçlandırdık // Once upon a time, we put a crown on love/we crowned love
    Ama o krallık şimdi yıkılıyor, yıkılıyor // But now that kingdom is breaking apart
    The first part- does this mean like hurting one another is a betrayal to their old promises? I'm not sure I understand what the meaning is.
    Second part- So they crowned love, they weren't crowned themselves. Got it, thank you. =)

    I'm very impressed. =)))
    Zaman son sözü söyleyince // I like how you think this cos it happens often in Turkish, but here it really is only "When time says the last word"
    Yaraları sarana dek // yes "sarana" comes from sarmak and you're completely right with your translation
    Birbirimizi anmışız günahkar, günahkar // Good question! It could be both actually, but also "We remembered each other, like sinners". Reading the whole stanza, I think that makes more sense to me.
    Thank you.
    I think your translation here makes more sense too. I'll write them and give them a bit of advice please add in a "gibi" so that it will be easier for me next time.
    Ooh sorry, another question just came to me: is it like "we remember each other, like sinners do" or is the meaning that "we think of one another as sinners"

    I hope this helps.
    Of course it does. Thank you so much, Sade. I am so happy to see this. Ercmnt, that means next time is you!
    Now, if you'll excuse me, I must get back to cleaning. :yawn: :sooobored: :sooootired:
    Last edited by partizanka; 08-05-2011 at 11:17 AM.
  4. Sade said:


    [QUOTE=partizanka;890635]Hello there m8. Wow, that is a surprise that you like this song...cos it's Kres and cos it's so mellow. But this is good news. I wonder if Layla liked it too! Layla, can I convert you to Kres if not? [quijote]

    I like when he gets loud in the middle and his voice sounds good too. Maybe Layla just liked your good translation.

    Ahh, okay. Can I ask what "geriye" means exactly? I sort of had the impression that it meant something like "that which remains" although I'm not sure why I thought that. (Cilekes has that Kendimden Geriye and I've never seen what that means...would that be like "back from myself" then?)
    "geriye kalan" means "that which remains". "geriye" alone means back, backwards, behind etc. Hmmm... I think "Kendimden Geriye" means "My remains" ?? Or "What remains of me"...of course the "kalan" is missing to make it that, but here it could be understood the same without, to make it sound better maybe. Am I still making sense?

    The first part- does this mean like hurting one another is a betrayal to their old promises? I'm not sure I understand what the meaning is.
    Second part- So they crowned love, they weren't crowned themselves. Got it, thank you. =)
    Yes, that's exactly what it means. They promised to never hurt each other, but now that they're doing it they're not keeping their promises.
    Second part- Zen zen, Ii yo, Nekako.

    Thank you.
    I think your translation here makes more sense too. I'll write them and give them a bit of advice please add in a "gibi" so that it will be easier for me next time.
    Ooh sorry, another question just came to me: is it like "we remember each other, like sinners do" or is the meaning that "we think of one another as sinners"
    I don't doubt for one second that they'll decline your advice.
    To me it makes more sense when the meaning is "we remember each other, like sinners do".

    Of course it does. Thank you so much, Sade. I am so happy to see this. Ercmnt, that means next time is you!
    Now, if you'll excuse me, I must get back to cleaning. :yawn: :sooobored: :sooootired:
    Hahah...I'm sure ercmnt won't mind!
    Hadi hard working lady, you'll be done soon and sleep on a very soft and comfortable floor tonight.
  5. partizanka's Avatar

    partizanka said:


    1. List geliyor!
    2. "quijote"? What kind of crazy idea is that?!?! =D

    Quote Originally Posted by Quixote View Post
    "geriye kalan" means "that which remains". "geriye" alone means back, backwards, behind etc. Hmmm... I think "Kendimden Geriye" means "My remains" ?? Or "What remains of me"...of course the "kalan" is missing to make it that, but here it could be understood the same without, to make it sound better maybe. Am I still making sense?
    3. Sorry, you lost me at "quijote" but here you are making sense. =) Especially cos in Kendimden Geriye 2, the line he says is "Kendimden geriye kalan tek şey sen" ("The only thing that remains of me is you", I would guess- I had forgotten that line when I asked. ) Thank you for explaining this.

    Second part- Zen zen, Ii yo, Nikako.
    4. Please see edit. Nekako is like "somehow", nikako is "not at all".

    I don't doubt for one second that they'll decline your advice.
    To me it makes more sense when the meaning is "we remember each other, like sinners do".
    5. Trying to understand that first sentence is very difficult, but you're telling me they're gonna say "no"?
    6. I see....from the line though, the meaning could be understood either way?

    7. I forgot to ask this... would "I can't blame anyone" be "Suçlayamam kimseyi" or am I making up words again?

    Hadi hard working lady, you'll be done soon and sleep on a very soft and comfortable floor tonight.
    Haha, please, I made a comfortable bed out of cardboard boxes!

    Thank you again!
  6. Sade said:


    Liste! <3

    2. LOL....I don't know...ama laf aramizda, she must be very smotajed.
    3. Ahh okay, now I'm relieved. Nikako.
    4. Thank you! I knew something was wrong. xD
    5. Haha...actually, I noticed the meaning after I posted it. But I thought it was funny so I left it...after laughing at myself.
    6. Yes.
    7. Exactly. =) No, not at making up words, I meant the line is correct. =p
    8. I can't imagine how comfortable it must be.