Oh yesss! I knooow. Verrrry Serrrbian!!! I already knew that...
..and love it!
It's just an association. I'm German. Very German. I even can't roll the "r". Convincing enough?are you Bulgarian or what, Mozzart from the city of Sofia...???
Ooooh delicous!Don't punch him.. That's not an alien... That's fat Bulgarian Azis...You Serbians are so mean! Come on, Ina, admit - this world would be more insipid without Azis, not because of him
Oh, you are all online! You write faster than me!
Nicely put! But you know that we, "audience", are those who see, feel, judge, understand.. whatever, what Azis is (or isn't). So this world would not be insipid or interesting because of Azis, but because of us who observe him.this world would be more insipid without Azis, not because of him
But as fas as I understand Athanatos there are some Bulgarian/Macedonian/Serbian dialects which merge fluently. So there may exists some Serbians who understand some Bulgarians without any problems when they all speak their dialects.
If you are not mad with me because of my last post and when you, Ina, can stand it -
This is the reason for my respect for Azis. And I won't neglect it, whatever he will plot in future:
Okay, ich hab's geschafft. Du bist sauer auf mich, stimmt's? Wann hast du dein Deutsch so upgegradet? Das war doch vor nem halben Jahr noch nicht? Oder doch? Und sei nicht mehr sauer, Ina. Ich verspreche dir, ich mach's nicht wieder. Aber dann darfst du doch auch nicht sooo schöön philosophieren!
Entschuldigung angenommen?![]()
what azis say in open the song
| .... | ****er sucker something like "dover" ?
first, yes my friend who translated it is bulgarian who lives in sofia and who i guess speaks the bulgarian perfectly good, i didnt use google translator or something haha
and he says "lover...f**ker" haha.
I dont know what should be wrong with him, he is a unique kind of person, i just love his ways to express his inner fantasies to the world! who elsr hs so much courage? and he is not fat anymore,just look at him now, he worked hard on his body. once on facebook he posted something because he was angry at the bulgarian press and wrote 'i am a living part of bulgarian history' and ' i am the king of chalga' and i agree! he is a king, all those new artists cant beat him, i run a chalga blog myself and the resonance to Hop was bigger than for Andreas Predai se, even after her summr Hit Dokrai, people just waoted for his new song! and his last Album Gadna Poroda is kinda sold out everywhere, i sent out another friend who lives in Plovdiv to get me one and he coudnt get one copy of it)
You understand at least 60% when they talk, and 90% when it's written.. Don't tell me that you couldn't understand the (written) lyrics of this song without translation?
Or maybe it's just me because, like I said, I was in Bulgaria a few times..
But there is that TV host of ours, Danijela Jankov (works on Prva), and she hosted Balkanika Music Awards for the last 2 years (or even more, I don't know for the older ones...).. She needed, like, two months to be able to speak fluent Bulgarian on TV, host shows etc. ...
Anyway, I wanted to say that I understand and can even translate some songs from here, but I'll leave that to the pros. (native Bulgarian speakers..)...
I don't need any more work..![]()
[sorry, can't say it in English] Ach komm, Krasiva, ich sag ja, ich respektiere ihn wegen seiner Arbeit. Aber vorher war er ein wimpernklimperndes rosa Schweinchen. Und jetzt ist er ein verbratener Gockel-Girlie mit seiner vorgestreckten Hühnerbrust. Mal ganz ehrlich, ich ahne ja, du magst es unorthodoxAber wie du deinen Kindern später erklären willst, dass du keine Magenbeschwerden hattest, wenn er dir (im Clip natürlich
) seinen rasierten Allerwertesten entgegenreckte, is' mir'n Rätsel
Ich finde, er ist okay, weil er es sich verdient hat. Aber meine Netzhaut verfolgen seine gelben Highheels genauso wie bei Ina (hours for 3 seconds ). Er fordert schon nen hohen Preis für seine Songs :P
What's the name of the song at 00:25 in the video...??
Well, I see the majority here likes Azra , so I'll have to "retreat".
He's actually handsome guy, but he is touching his body like women do. He seduces not like a man, but like a woman. And pink underwear...
I don't think he's brave, but he simply can't do things differently - he craves to expose himself to others. That grandiosity, artificial beauty... that's all one big fake. And that's why I can't love him.... and I wondering if his mother loves him... I think not. Maybe that's why he's like this...
So, you folks, you enjoy, I'll say nothing more.
Ina, I've my oral exams just these days. I'll contact you one week later. 'kay? I'm happy you didn't change at all. Keep being that straight, pleaaase! I don't share your opinion according to Azis, but I know you are quite more tolerant than all those political correct people who never say something wrong. Don't move!
Bye (that means "so long" you know? :P)
Btw: Austria is so beautiful. You'll love it!
P.S.:Oh god! A1 and C1 - I changed it. I'm such a fool
ina, it's not Azra, it's Azis..
Where do you live (you said southeast of Serbia..), and what are you going to stufy? (you an PM me or write in my profile, if you don't want to write it here for some reason
@ marius
To kao doktorat ili sta??
So, architecture..Interesting...