Masa2 El Gamal - Donia Samir Ghanem

Thread: Masa2 El Gamal - Donia Samir Ghanem

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  1. songlover26's Avatar

    songlover26 said:

    Default Masa2 El Gamal - Donia Samir Ghanem


    Help needed for Masa2 El Gamal - Donia Samir Ghanem

    Tum takalluf ko hii iKhlaas samajhate ho 'Faraz'
    dost hotaa nahii.n har haath milaane vaalaa - [Ahmed Faraz]
  2. CZAREK2581 said:


    here is the lyrics

    مساء الجمال على الى دورها وشغال ... وشافها حلوه وفل وعال

    مساء الجمال بالعقل احلى كلام يتقال بدل ناوينا ناكلها حلال

    مساء الجمال على الى دورها وشغال ... وشافها حلوه وفل وعال

    مساء الجمال بالعقل احلى كلام يتقال بدل ناوينا ناكلها حلال

    مسيرها تفك ولو هاتشك غلطان وبص على النص المليان

    دا كل عقده وليها حلال .. مساء الجمال....
  3. mvnr1 said:


    is this a commercial?

    there's a mistake in the Arabic lyrics, i've corrected it in red

    here's the translation:

    مساء الجمال على الى دورها وشغال ... وشافها حلوه وفل وعال
    Good evening for the one who's run it and who's working, and who saw it as beautiful, good, and great

    مساء الجمال بالعقل احلى كلام يتقال مادام ناوينا ناكلها حلال
    Good evening, the best words/result come out when using the brain, since we intended to eat it halal
    (halal means allowed for Muslims)

    مساء الجمال على الى دورها وشغال ... وشافها حلوه وفل وعال
    Good evening for the one who's run it and who's working, and who saw it as beautiful, good, and great

    مساء الجمال بالعقل احلى كلام يتقال مادام ناوينا ناكلها حلال
    Good evening, the best words/result come out when using the brain, since we intended to eat it halal

    مسيرها تفك ولو هاتشك غلطان وبص على النص المليان
    It's gonna be loose in the end, even if it's gonna sting, you're wrong, and look at the full half

    دا كل عقده وليها حلال .. مساء الجمال....
    Every problem has a solution, good evening
  4. songlover26's Avatar

    songlover26 said:


    Quote Originally Posted by mvnr1 View Post
    is this a commercial?
    Thanks Mvnr

    I don't know I heard it on a song site.
    Tum takalluf ko hii iKhlaas samajhate ho 'Faraz'
    dost hotaa nahii.n har haath milaane vaalaa - [Ahmed Faraz]
  5. mvnr1 said:


    she's singing about something that's not mentioned in the lyrics, so i'm wondering if this is a commercial or something

    since u wanna learn new vocabulary, here's the vocabulary of the song:

    مساء الجمال (masa2 el gamal) is like مساء الخير (masa2 el 5er) and مساء النور (masa2 el noor), it means good evening, literally it means the evening of beauty

    when those expressions r followed by the preposition على and then somebody, this means that u wish a good evening to this person, for example:
    Masa2 el gamal 3al nas el gamda. (Good evening to cool people)
    مساء الجمال على الناس الجامدة

    اللى (elli) means who, for example:
    Enta elli afalt el TV? (Is it you who turned off the TV?)
    انت اللى قفلت التليفزيون

    يدور (something) (yedawwar) (in the present) means run this thing, in the past it's دور (dawwar), for example:
    Ana dawwart el makana we sha3'ala kwayes. (I've run the machine and it works great)
    انا دورت المكنة وشغالة كويس
    Ana dawwart el 3arabeya. (I've started the engine of the car)
    انا دورت العربية

    شغال (sha3'al) means turned on or working, for example:
    El TV sha3'al. (The TV is on)
    التليفزيون شغال

    شاف (shaf) is a verb in the past that means see, in the present it's يشوف (yshoof)

    حلوة (pronounced 7elwa) is the feminine adjective of حلو, it means beautiful or well or great

    فل (foll) when used as a noun, it's a type of a flower with a scent, when used as an adjective it means good or ok, for example:
    A: Kollo tamam keda. (Everything is alright)
    B: Foll. (Good)

    عال (pronounced 3al) is an adjective that means great, for example:
    3al keda. (Now, this is great)
    عال كده
    u can't use it to say a great story, u can't say qessa 3al

    ب (pronounced be) is a preposition that means with or using, for example:
    Ana katabt bel alam. (I've written with the pen)
    انا كتبت بالقلم

    عقل (pronounced 3a2l) means brain or mind

    بالعقل (bel 3a2l) means using the brain, for example:
    Fakar feeh bel 3a2l. (Think about it with ur brain)
    فكر فيها بالعقل

    احلى (a7la) is the comparative/superlative form of the adjective حلو, it means better/the best, here's how to form the comparative

    كلام (kalam) means words

    يتقال (yet2al) means be said, for example:
    El kelma de et2alet emta? (When was this word said?)
    الكلمة دى اتقالت امتى؟

    مادام (madam) has 2 meanings:
    1- as long as, for example:
    Hat7ebak madam enta kwayes. (She'll like/love u as long as u r good)
    هتحبك مادام انت كويس
    2- since, for example:
    Madam enta hena, ta3ala a2olak 7aga. (Since u r here, come I wanna tell u something)
    مادام انت هنا, تعالى اقولك حاجة

    نوى (nawa) is a verb in the past that means intend, in the present it's ينوى (yenwi), for example:
    Nawet aroo7. (I have an intention to go)
    نويت اروح

    ياكل (yakol) means eat

    حلال (pronounced 7alal) is used to describe food that's allowed for Muslims, u can also hear the word ابن حلال (ebn 7alal), it means a good person (in terms of morals and way of life), this is the masculine form, the feminine form is بنت حلال (bent 7alal), if the definite article ال (el) is added to حلال so that it becomes ابن الحلال in this case it means a guy who a girl can marry (he'll be her bridegroom), the feminine form is بنت الحلال

    the expression مسير somebody/something do something means in the end someone/something will do something, it's usually used in situations where something may not happen at the present because of circumstances or something like that, for example:
    Meseero yendam. (In the end, he's gonna regret)
    مسيره يندم
    meseero yendam
    مسير somebody/something do something

    يفك (yfokk) when used as an intransitive verb, it means become loose, for example:
    El 3o2da fakket. (The knot became loose)
    العقدة فكت

    و (we/wa/w) means and

    لو (law) means if

    يشك (yshok):
    1- if an intransitive verb, it means doubt, for example:
    Ana shaket. (I doubted)
    انا شكيت
    2- if an intransitive verb too, it means sting, it's used to describe something like a pin, for example:
    El 7eta de betshok. (This part sings)
    الحتة دى بتشك
    3- if a transitive verb, it means sting, for example:
    Shako bel dabboos. (He's stung him with the pin)
    شكه بالدبوس
    in the song meaning number 2 is used

    غلطان (pronounced 3'altan) is a masculine adjective that means wrong (when describing a person), the feminine form is غلطانة (pronounced 3'altana)

    يبص (yboss) means look, بص (boss) is in the imperative, when this verb is followed by the preposition على, it means look at

    نص (noss) means half

    مليان (malian) means full, it's masculine, the feminine is مليانة (maliana)

    ده (da) means this, for example:
    El ragel da. (This man)
    الراجل ده

    it can also be used to introduce information that proves something, for example:
    Da ma gash 7atta ysalem 3alaya. (He didn't even come to say hi to me)
    ده ماجاش حتى يسلم عليا
    see? here da wasn't translated, but it indicates that this sentence proves something

    كل (koll) means:
    1- every, for example:
    Kol alam yet7at hena. (Put every pen here) (literally Every pen to be put here)
    كل قلم يتحط هنا
    2- all, for example:
    Ana shoft kol el elema. (I've seen all the pens)
    انا شفت كل القلمة

    don't be confused with كل (kol) that means eat (in the imperative), the difference is that the 1st koll has a shadda on the ل (koll) while the 2nd kol doesn't

    ل (le) means to or for or belong to or have

    ها (ha) is the object pronoun of She

    ليها (leeha) means to/for her

    عقدة (pronounced 3o2da) means problem

    back to ليها (leeha), it means to/for her ok? ها (ha) refers to عقدة, in English u refer to things that r not human by it right? in Arabic there's no it, u use the same pronouns used to refer to humans to refer to things that r not human, the word عقدة is a feminine word, so the pronoun her was used

    حلال (pronounced 7allal), don't be confused with the word حلال above, they r different, this one has a shadda on the ل (pronounced 7allal), it means someone who solves

    now study this vocabulary and read the lyrics again u'll understand every word
  6. CZAREK2581 said:


    Karim after reading that ,you completely blow this ATL away
    I am lack off words

    Many thanx brother
  7. songlover26's Avatar

    songlover26 said:


    First of all I 110% agree with Czarek. This effort is beyond words

    Too bad ATL allows to press "THANKS" only once coz ur explanation is worth a million Thanks

    God Bless U Brother Karim (true to ur name U are Really Karim)

    And one thing I would like to add the beauty of Karim's post is that he provides you with clear and indepth knowledge with such precision and simplicity...Great

    and It is good teachers and friends like Mvnr, Czarek and Viva who keep inspiring us to learn more and keep on improving...So THANKS guys on behalf of every Arabic learner

    P.S - I pray we have more such informative posts insha Allah
    Tum takalluf ko hii iKhlaas samajhate ho 'Faraz'
    dost hotaa nahii.n har haath milaane vaalaa - [Ahmed Faraz]
  8. CZAREK2581 said:


    Absolutely i agree songlover,he is our treasure
  9. mvnr1 said:


    thank u all, that's too much, u r so nice