F. Tyutchev. Untitled - translation from Russian

Thread: F. Tyutchev. Untitled - translation from Russian

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  1. Victor Sklyarov's Avatar

    Victor Sklyarov said:

    Default F. Tyutchev. Nam ne dano predugadat' translation from Russian

    Ф. Тютчев
    Нам не дано предугадать,
    Как наше слово отзовется
    И нам сочувствие дается,
    Как нам дается благодать.

    F. Tyutchev
    We are not destined to embrace
    The way our word percepted is
    And the compassion, like God’s Grace,
    Depends on Heaven we’re beneath
    Last edited by Victor Sklyarov; 02-20-2012 at 06:32 AM. Reason: II'd rather enter the first line transliteration instead of vague "Untitled"