Anyone want to clash?

Thread: Anyone want to clash?

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  1. Spitzafrenik's Avatar

    Spitzafrenik said:

    Default Anyone want to clash?

    You can start
  2. In Ten Cities said:


    Quote Originally Posted by Spitzafrenik View Post
    You can start
    Its looks like your mother drank for two when she gave birth to you,
    Masqueraded your views with big naked dudes
    Helped you paint your nails and tie high pony tails
    I must curtail but that was your life in a nutshell

    Dont get infuriated or disorientated
    I was startin nice but my bars still culminated
    At your heart, didnt mean to strike a nerve
    Its just word after word seems to submerse and emerge

    Contradictory? Well sometimes i intelligently maunder
    But my bars are begining to rapidly saunter
    Ill use drought amounts of agua to flood your waters
    Fold collars, flip dollars, Fling snow balls in Bahamas