shahab tiam-bezan tar transaltion help

Thread: shahab tiam-bezan tar transaltion help

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  1. darya_123 said:

    Question shahab tiam-bezan tar transaltion help

    hey can someone help transalte this song by shahab tiam i love it, but i dont understand well that be awsome.
  2. jordin2008 said:


    بزن تار که امشب باز دلم از دنیا گرفته
    Play the Taar(iranian musical instrument) cause I am so heartbroken by everyone and everything(the whole world)
    بزن تار و بزن تار
    Play the taar
    بزن تا بخونم با تو آواز بی خریدار
    Play so that I can sing along with you a song that no one would like to listen to
    بزن تار و بزن تار
    Play the taar
    برای کوچه غمگینم برای خونه غمگینم برای تو برای من
    I feel sad for our alley, our house, for you and for me
    برای هر کی مثل ماست داره میخونه غمگینم
    I feel sad for anyone who feels the same as us and likes to sing a sad song
    بزن تار همیشه و من و از من قدیمی تر
    Play the Taar from eternity, for me and for those before me
    واسه اون که تو کار عاشقی میمونه غمگینم
    I feel sad for those who are hopeless in love
    بزن تار که امشب باز دلم از دنیا گرفته
    Play the Taar(iranian musical instrument) cause I am so heartbroken by everyone and everything(the whole world)
    بزن تار و بزن تار
    Play the taar
    بزن تا بخونم با تو آواز بی خریدار
    Play so that I can sing along with you a song that no one would like to listen to
    بزن تار و بزن تار
    Play the taar

    به راه عاشقی مردن به خنجر دل سپر کردن
    To die for love, to be brave enough to stay in the ways of spears of love
    واسه هر کی که آسون نیست
    Is not easy for eveyone
    برای جاودان بودن واسه عاشق دیگه راهی
    به جز دل کندن از جون نیست
    To be immortalize in love, the lover has no way but to break away from the one whom he loves(unwillingly) and this would feel like dying(so it means to be immortalized in love you have to die for the one you love)
  3. darya_123 said:


    thank you so much jordan, i love it.