Mashael - El Mesayeb | مشاعل - المصائب

Thread: Mashael - El Mesayeb | مشاعل - المصائب

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    Ghaly said:

    Default Mashael - El Mesayeb | مشاعل - المصائب

    وفراق ودموع وسهر والم
    W frag w dmo3 w sahr w alam
    The separation, the tears and the staying-awake, the pain
    وهموم وصبر غيرة معناة وقهر
    W hmom w 9abr gherah ma3net w gahar
    The concern and the patience (of) the jealousy and the suffering from the subjugation
    والقلب للحين ذائب
    w el galb li el 7een dhayeb
    And the heart melt for the time (... vanish with time)

    ما تجيك إنت المصائب الّا من الحبائب
    Ma tjeek ent el me9ayeb ella mn el 7bayeb
    And no woes come to you, except from the lovers,
    ذاك إللي تحبّه باكر بعده غائب
    Dhak elly t7ebbah bacher ba3dah ghayeb
    That, what you love is after tomorrow lost

    ايّام عشناها سوى واحلام دمّرها الهوى
    Ayyam 3ashnaha sewa w a7lam damrha el hawa
    The days we lived together and the shattered dreams of love
    وجروح ما تلقى دواء وياقلب ردّت خائب
    W jroo7 ma telga dewa w ya galb raddet khayeb
    And the wounds can't find a cure and the heart returns disappointedly

    يا حبّ قلبي ما لقى وما شاف منه الّا الشقى
    Ya 7obb galby ma lega w ma shaf menh ella el shega
    Oh love, my heart did not find and see but misery from it (= love)
    وإللي احبّه واعشقه ما كان معه صائب
    W elly a7ebbah w a3shegah ma kan ma3ah 9ayeb
    And what I loved and desired was not correct for it

    Amendments are very welcome!
    Last edited by Ghaly; 05-26-2012 at 09:08 PM.
    - Racism is not far, it is in everybody's nature. Detect thy fears, thy prejudices, and live in unison with these fears and every being that does not harm thee.