Upgrading Spanish Vocabulary

Thread: Upgrading Spanish Vocabulary

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  1. songlover26's Avatar

    songlover26 said:

    Default Upgrading Spanish Vocabulary

    abatimiento (abati miento) - Depression, melancholy
    abatir - demolish
    abazón - Pouch
    ablandar - To melt, Soften
    abogado - lawyer
    aborrecer - To hate, detest
    ventana - window
    acampar-to camp
    aceite - Oil
    Acerbo - Bitter
    Acomodador - Attendant
    Acre - acrid, pungent
    Tum takalluf ko hii iKhlaas samajhate ho 'Faraz'
    dost hotaa nahii.n har haath milaane vaalaa - [Ahmed Faraz]
  2. momper said:


    Quote Originally Posted by songlover26 View Post
    abazón - Pouch
    I didn't know this word.
    It isn't any pouch, it's a cheek pouch, it refers to animals.