Cosmical Simplicity

Thread: Cosmical Simplicity

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  1. PointZero's Avatar

    PointZero said:

    Default Cosmical Simplicity

    (Part 1: Introduction to the Precursor to the Preface)
    Cosmical simplicity
    even as things merge into intricate designs
    and ways of life

    With the interdependencies;
    birds upon insects
    leaves upon roots
    the grass upon the land
    And the dependency of all
    upon the sun and the winds

    each thing
    is the very essence of simplicity

    A drop of water
    out to embrace transparency

    A strand of soldier's silk
    with its diversity and strength

    A tiny seed
    that holds within it, life

    the manifestation of a miracle

    (Part 2: The Straw that Broke the Camel's Back)
    There is stood,
    a great tree

    Suddenly dark clouds formed,
    lighting flashed,
    the life of the tree was shattered

    The storm has spent its fury
    and disentegrated; leaving no clue
    as to why this tree was struck

    In its wake, many life must adjust
    to that one moment
    when lighting flashed
    and a tree fell

    The birds that built nests in its limbs
    The insects that lived on its leaves
    and in turn pollinated its blossoms

    The flowers that grew in its shade
    the owl that used it as a perch
    to survey the countryside

    The earthworms that lived in the soil
    and kept air around its roots

    Even its natural enemies will know its loss...

    (Part 3: Not So Long Ago)
    Close to the Earth,
    the grasses grow

    Beyond the grasses,
    the flowers

    Higher than these,
    the trees shall rise
    Birds soar into the clouds beyond

    Beyond the clouds
    the sky is blue
    and there are stas

    Each life is beautiful within its sphere
    ever and ever
    there is something
  2. Doug Denslowe's Avatar

    Doug Denslowe said:


    This strikes me as more Poem than Song Lyrics.As a poem it works,as song lyrics.............I'll leave that to others to Reply.Maybe Pink Floydish or something in that vain?I'm not an expert in that type of rock,maybe is that what you were shooting for?
  3. KathyB said:


    most definitely a poem...a very interesting one too...
  4. Doug Denslowe's Avatar

    Doug Denslowe said:


    Quote Originally Posted by KathyB View Post
    most definitely a poem...a very interesting one too...
    I didn't realize that I had said the same thing about this,as you said about Honesty!
  5. Frankie Jasmine's Avatar

    Frankie Jasmine said:


    To me this, too, is a beautiful, very meaningful poem. I do not hear music with it. As I read lyrics for some songs, I can "hear" music at the same time.

    However, the proof is in the music. This has been demonstrated to me by ATL member RobberBaron!
  6. Teshka's Avatar

    Teshka said:


    This is fascinating! Moon posted a song sometime last week that your lyrics brought to my mind, i don' t have a link but i'm sure that if search youtube for Soma Holiday you could find it easily. The lyrics in that are spoken but nonetheless it's a song and a very good one i would say.
    Music is what feelings sound like
    Listen to the Love
  7. mexico62 said:


    Hi PointZero, I don´t know if this could be a song, but I´m sure that as poem is a beautiful poem, and I´m sure that if someone could make music to these lyrics it would be a so deep meaningful poetical song. Congratulations, this work captures the attention from the title, is difficult sometimes to think that the enormous, maybe infinite cosmos is so simple, but you let us see that it´s so.
  8. Frankie Jasmine's Avatar

    Frankie Jasmine said:


    The right musician could perform it. Are you that musician, PointZero? As I said, RobberBaron has put some unusual lyrics with good music to make some impressive songs! So I'd never say it could only be a poem! I learned that from him.