Ana Law Habeebak - Mohammad Fouad

Thread: Ana Law Habeebak - Mohammad Fouad

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  1. Oriee's Avatar

    Oriee said:

    Default Ana Law Habeebak - Mohammad Fouad

    أنا لو حبيبك ماكنتش يوم تسيبنى
    If I was your beloved, you wouldn't abadon me
    ازاى بتقول نصيبك وهان عليك تبعنى
    How do you say "I'm your destiny" and it was that much easy for you to betrayed me
    بتقول لى الحنين طب فين الحنين
    You remind me with our past days, where are from that!
    بعد غيابك سنين بعد ما قلبك ظلمنى
    Atfer your long absence, after being oppressed by your heart

    تجرح قلبى....انا تقسى على أنا
    You hurt my heart, your become cruel to me
    تجرح قلبى.... أنا تقسى على ليه
    You hurt my heart...Why did you become harsh
    أنا لو حبيبك ماكنتش يوم تسيبنى
    If I was your beloved, you wouldn't abadon me
    ازاى بتقول نصيبك وهان عليك تبعنى
    How do you say "I'm your destiny" and it was that much easy for you to betrayed me
    شوف من كام سنة... ضعت انت وانا
    How many years have we lost... me and you
    واللى ه يفضل بس مابينا ذكرى لجرحنا
    What will remain between us is hurt only
    أنا لو حبيبك ماكنتش يوم تسيبنى
    If I was your beloved, you wouldn't abadon me
    ازاى بتقول نصيبك وهان عليك تبعنى
    How do you say "I'm your destiny" and it was that much easy for you to betrayed me
    بتقول لى الحنين طب فين الحنين
    You remind me with our past days, where are from that!
    بعد غيابك سنين بعد ما قلبك ظلمنى
    Atfer your long absence, after being oppressed by your heart
    لا يَشْكُرُ الله مَنْ لا يَشْكُرُ النَّاس
    The One Who Doesn't Thank Others, Doesn't Thank God
  2. Future Trans said:


    nice nice nice nice nice

    Last edited by Mixalopoulos; 10-13-2012 at 04:00 PM.
  3. gbasfora's Avatar

    gbasfora said:


    Hi Oriee ,

    I didn't understand the translation below :

    بتقول لى الحنين طيب فين الحنين
    You remind me with our past days, where are from that ?!
    بعد غيابك سنين بعد ما قلبك ظلمنى
    Atfer your long absence, after being oppressed by your heart
  4. Oriee's Avatar

    Oriee said:



    It's a free hand translation (not word by word)

    after you being unfair to me and after being absent for so long
    you say I miss us....
    لا يَشْكُرُ الله مَنْ لا يَشْكُرُ النَّاس
    The One Who Doesn't Thank Others, Doesn't Thank God