Originally Posted by
Mandulinata a Napule - Mandolins from Naples
My Napuletan' is not so good either...but this is what the songs means to me
Hope it helps a little and let me know if a more precise translation comes your way.
Sera d'estáte! Pusilleco lucente
Summer night! Pusilleco all lit up
(a place by the sea in naples where you can see everything clearly)
canta canzone e addora d'erba 'e mare...
I sing and take in the perfumes of the grass of the sea
Voglio 'e pparole cchiù d'ammore ardente,
I search for the words to express perfect love
voglio 'e pparole cchiù gentile e care
I want the words, the most gentle and dear
pe' dí "te voglio bene" a chi mme sente.
to say i love you, so you can feel me
Ma d' 'e pparole cchiù carnale e doce,
but from all the words that express closeness and sweet
ne sceglio sulo tre: "Te voglio bene..."
only three come to me...i love you
Bella, 'int' 'o core tujo sacc'io chi tiene...
Bella, in your heart i know what you have
chi sta int' 'o core mio saje pure tu...
and who is in my heart knows you too
P' 'o mare 'e Napule
By the sea of Napule
so much harmony!
Saglie 'ncielo e, 'ncielo, sentono,
Go to heaven and there you will hear
tutt' 'e stelle, 'a voce mia:
the stars, they are my voice:
voce, ca tènnere,
voices that
st'ammore fa.
this love is made
Notte d'estáte! Se só' addurmute 'e ccase...
Summer night! I know you are asleep at home
e 'o cielo, a mare, nu scenario ha stiso!
and the sky and sea, a scenery that is right here
Staje 'mbracci'a me, 'nnucente só' sti vase...
Stay in my arms, innocence i kiss you
Bella, stanotte, te só frato e sposo...
Bella, tonite ,i am your "brother" (family) and husband
Stanotte, Ammore e Dio, sóngo una cosa...
Tonight, Love and God, are one thing
Canta: e da 'o suonno Napule se sceta...
Sing: and let the dreams of Napoli awake you
ridono 'e vvocche ca se só vasate...
laughter is the voice that kisses you
tutt' 'e suspire 'e tutt' 'e 'nnammurate,
life (breath) is love
suspirano, stanotte, attuorno a te...
life, tonite, is being close to you
P' 'o mare 'e Napule..
by the sea of Napoli