Cuban song on the beach, Varadero 2011

Thread: Cuban song on the beach, Varadero 2011

Tags: beach, casa, cuba, papi, playa
  1. ruimpinho said:

    Smile Cuban song on the beach, Varadero 2011

    Hey everyone!
    I have a song in my head since 4 years ago.
    During summer while on vacation in Varadero, Cuba I heard this song in spanish where a man and a woman we're like

    "Vamo pa la casa mami (?),
    Vamo pa la casa papi
    Vamo pa la casa mami (?),
    Vamo pa la casa papi"

    Later on the same song you could hear on the same rythm
    "Vamo pa la playa mami (?),
    Vamo pa la playa papi
    Vamo pa la playa mami (?),
    Vamo pa la playa papi"

    Followed by
    "ai ai ai ai ai ai"

    Sounds like a Daddy Yankee song but I don't think he sings it...

    I've done an extensive search on the web but found nothing. I've identified lots of other songs before but nothing about this one.

    Please help me
    Thank you all, have a great day!
    Last edited by ruimpinho; 11-19-2017 at 06:50 AM.
  2. pamela18 said:


    OSMANI GARCIAS - Se Me Va La Musa here's the song I was at that time in kuba
  3. ruimpinho said:


    Quote Originally Posted by pamela18 View Post
    OSMANI GARCIAS - Se Me Va La Musa here's the song I was at that time in kuba
    That's it!! Thank you very much!