Song from Diary Princess 2

Thread: Song from Diary Princess 2

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  1. Edward Longly's Avatar

    Edward Longly said:

    Default Song from Diary Princess 2

    Hi everyone.
    Out target is Next.
    Song (music lika a pop, drum, classic 2003).
    That song played in Diary Princess 2 (but in official OST not exist).
    Lyrics. in movie been few words. Woman vocal.
    Like "Need your girl aha", but it's really very rhythm song.
    Last edited by Edward Longly; 05-04-2015 at 03:29 PM.
  2. Edward Longly's Avatar

    Edward Longly said:


    Instead "need" can be (CAN BE) other word!
  3. bugmenot1 said:


    This song was in the end credits of the movie, but not listed on the soundtrack:

    "The Meaning" by Lillix
  4. Edward Longly's Avatar

    Edward Longly said:


    Quote Originally Posted by bugmenot1 View Post
    This song was in the end credits of the movie, but not listed on the soundtrack:

    "The Meaning" by Lillix
    But not!
    Less rock, more pop. More synth drum!
  5. Edward Longly's Avatar

    Edward Longly said: