Identify this song plz....

Thread: Identify this song plz....

Tags: identify song
  1. krakow said:

    Default Identify this song plz....


    The song I'm referring to is a background score in Spencer Scott's Playboy Video Calendar 2007 (Miss October). I've been searching for quite a while and I have come to doubt whether it was only made for that particular video. The lyrics goes like...
    "I keep on pushing and pulling, I dont know what I'm doing....."
    "If u want a man to be a man you gotta know you gotta let him ....."

    Something like that....


    Edit: I did some digging again, it seems she was Miss October 2007 but the song in question appears in playmate profile in Playboy Video Calendar 2009 where she is Miss April.
    Last edited by krakow; 02-20-2017 at 12:20 AM. Reason: correcting some details