BBC Victorian Virtual Reality - Brian May, A Life in Stereo music score

Thread: BBC Victorian Virtual Reality - Brian May, A Life in Stereo music score

Tags: bbc, brian may, queen
  1. loverslane said:

    Question BBC Victorian Virtual Reality - Brian May, A Life in Stereo music score


    I just saw BBC Victorian Virtual Reality - Brian May (the band Queen's guitarist), A Life in Stereo and I was hooked on the music score which I could not identify as it was not listed on the end credit title. Fortunately, I have the video link below:

    You can hear the music score in question at the beginning of the program, when foto of the late Freddie Mercury is shown before Brian May shows the book "Queen in 3D" and in end credit title.

    I hope someone can identify the music score.

    Thanks in advance.
    Last edited by loverslane; 08-19-2019 at 06:19 AM. Reason: correction
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