Mansour - Ghararemun Yadet Nareh

Thread: Mansour - Ghararemun Yadet Nareh

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  1. nadieh said:


    salaaam everyone!
    i missed you all and also this forum! i have some problems with my internet.. it doesn't work.. so i am not able to join you on this forum
    how are you all??

    i see that mehdi is new here.. welcome mehdi!! hope you will stay with us..!

    ( i like your name, my boyfriend's name is also mehdi )

    right now i am at school and i am about to do a test in a few minutes..
    i hope that my internetproblemes will be fixed very soon!!
    i miss you!!!
  2. Vanda's Avatar

    Vanda said:


    Quote Originally Posted by nadieh View Post
    salaaam everyone!
    i missed you all and also this forum! i have some problems with my internet.. it doesn't work.. so i am not able to join you on this forum
    how are you all??

    i see that mehdi is new here.. welcome mehdi!! hope you will stay with us..!

    ( i like your name, my boyfriend's name is also mehdi )

    right now i am at school and i am about to do a test in a few minutes..
    i hope that my internetproblemes will be fixed very soon!!
    i miss you!!!
    Hi nadieh joonam :X
    I was wondering where are you?!!! I'm soo happy to see you well
    be happy :X
    Hargez namirad, anke delash zendeh shod be eshgh
    "never dieth that one, whose heart is alive with love"

    - Hafez
  3. ~*flower*~'s Avatar

    ~*flower*~ said:


    Quote Originally Posted by Eussuf View Post
    Thanks for the help Mehdi. Hey there Goli. What's your story where are you from?
    Hey there Eussuf,

    I'm from the U.S...but I love the Iranians and their culture...Iran is like a home away from home even though I'm not Persian and havent been there before. I guess its special to me because Imam Reza's shrine is over there..and also I've been dying to visit all the great cities like Tehran, Isfahan, Mashad, Qom, Tabriz and etc.

    I'm trying to pick up on learning Farsi cause unlike most middle eastern languages, it sounds very sweet to the ear. Its pretty easy for me since some words are also Urdu words (I can understand a fair bit of Urdu) so its like a big summer project

    thats basically my story...oh yeah and I love persian music! its great!
  4. Ecoliqua's Avatar

    Ecoliqua said:


    QUOTE=Eussuf;289035]Anyway, I found a video on youtube that I thought was cute and somehow appropriate.

    YouTube - Aref (with English subtitles)


    Salam Yusuff,

    I forgot to tell you that I liked this video. Quite cute the litle kid singing in Farsi. I believe any of us could have been him :-)

    Rasti, where are you? You have been very silent lately. Still watching Googoosh videos? :-)

    Quote Originally Posted by mehdi View Post
    .rasti you said that you know germany , well i suggest that try to see and hear the song" ohne dich" by rammstein. you can find it (clip) in youtube. hope you enjoy.
    Hola Mehdi,

    I listen to this song you recommended me and I like it. And the german is easy to understand. Quid pro quo: "Heirate mich".

    Vanda, I forgot to tell you that I liked when you placed those links of iranian food. I have eaten iranian food just once, and it was very good. Actually I founded it quite mediterranean style(except for the spices, that are typically oriental).
    I just got surprised with this estrange dish: rice with fried potatoes slides on the top!

    Nadieh, topoly man, where are you dokhtar? still solving your internet problems?. We miss you here... :-(

    Adios (goodbye. Literally: to God),

  5. Vanda's Avatar

    Vanda said:


    Quote Originally Posted by Ecoliqua View Post

    Vanda, I forgot to tell you that I liked when you placed those links of iranian food. I have eaten iranian food just once, and it was very good. Actually I founded it quite mediterranean style(except for the spices, that are typically oriental).
    I just got surprised with this estrange dish: rice with fried potatoes slides on the top!

    Nadieh, topoly man, where are you dokhtar? still solving your internet problems?. We miss you here... :-(

    Adios (goodbye. Literally: to God),

    LOL... those poatos are really really really delicious mmmmmmm
    and it's really easy to cook :-)

    yeah... I miss nadieh topoly too :X :X :X :X
    Hargez namirad, anke delash zendeh shod be eshgh
    "never dieth that one, whose heart is alive with love"

    - Hafez
  6. Vanda's Avatar

    Vanda said:


    I know Flower and Safia(where is she?) know that it's persian version of an old famous song, Ramaia Masaqia...
    I prefer the original version. strongly recommended!
    Hargez namirad, anke delash zendeh shod be eshgh
    "never dieth that one, whose heart is alive with love"

    - Hafez
  7. Eussuf said:


    Quote Originally Posted by Ecoliqua View Post
    QUOTE=Eussuf;289035]Anyway, I found a video on youtube that I thought was cute and somehow appropriate.

    YouTube - Aref (with English subtitles)

    Salam Yusuff,

    I forgot to tell you that I liked this video. Quite cute the litle kid singing in Farsi. I believe any of us could have been him :-)

    Rasti, where are you? You have been very silent lately. Still watching Googoosh videos? :-)

    Yes my dear I've been away for a little but I'm back now. Wasn't he the cutest little kid???!!!! Anyway, I have to catch up on all these new posts. Hope you are well.

    Khoda hafez

  8. aliya's Avatar

    aliya said:

    Default Mansour - Ghararemun Yadet Nareh

    i am new to this site.. i need help lol.i couldnt find it anywhere.. it is an irani song.. also Ballare by Idin.. thnkx alot..
    Last edited by afsaneh; 09-02-2012 at 12:58 AM. Reason: Artist – Song name or names
  9. aliya's Avatar

    aliya said:


    hello there friends,, can any plz translate Ballare by Idin , and Gharaaremoon Yadet Nareh by Mansour.. thankkxx i am new in irani language
  10. Ecoliqua's Avatar

    Ecoliqua said:


    Quote Originally Posted by aliya View Post
    hello there friends,, can any plz translate Ballare by Idin , and Gharaaremoon Yadet Nareh by Mansour.. thankkxx i am new in irani language
    Hallo Aliya, wellcome to the forum. I cannot help you with translations, but "Gararemoon yadet nare" has already been translated before (I asked for the translation ;-). Look back in page 30.
    not all that is gold glitters; not all those who wander are lost
  11. aliya's Avatar

    aliya said:


    hi guyssssssss ,, juss wanna let u guys noe ur doing a good job..! i finally understand some songs...
  12. mrs_dracula666 said:


    yadet nare dooset daram
    don't forget that I love you
    خیلی دلم تنگه برات
    kheyli delam tange barat
    and I've missed you so much
    دار و ندارم رو بگیر
    dar o nadaram o begir
    take whatever I have
    مال خودت ، مال چشات
    male khodet, male cheshat
    for youself, for your eyes
    خورشید و بردار و بیا
    khorshid o bardar o biar
    take the sun and bring(it to me)
    آفتابی شو به خاطرم
    aftabi sho bekhateram
    shine because of me
    قرارمون یادت نره
    ghararemoon yadet nare
    don't forget our date
    دیر نكنی ، منتظرم
    deer nakoni, montazeram
    don't be late, I'm waithing
    قرارمون یادت نره
    ghararemoon yadet nare
    don't forget our date
    دوستت دارم یادت نره
    dooset daram yadet nare
    I love you, don't forget
    قرارمون یادت نره
    ghararemoon yadet nare
    don't forget our date
    دوست دارم یادت نره
    dooset daram yadet nare
    I love you, don't forget
    قرارمون ساعت عشق
    ghararemoon sa'ate eshgh
    our date, ate the hour of love
    كنارِ دلشوره زدن
    kenare delshoore zadan,
    beside anxiety...
    كنار دلواپسی و
    kenare delvapasi o
    beside anxiety and*
    ترس یه وقت نیومدن
    tarse ye vaght nayoomadan
    fearing about uncoming**
    عاشقم و عاشقِ تو
    ashegham o aheghe to
    I'm in love, in love with you
    از همه دیوونه ترم
    az hame divoone taram
    I'm crazy more than everyone
    قرارمون یادت نره
    ghararemoon yadet nare
    don't forget our date
    دیر نكنی منتظرم
    deer nakoni, montazeram
    don't be late, I'm waithing
    قرارمون یادت نره
    ghararemoon yadet nare
    don't forget our date
    دوستت دارم یادت نره
    dooset daram yadet nare
    I love you, don't forget
    قرارمون كنارِ گل
    ghararemoon kenare gol
    our date/rendezvous beside the flower
    كه سر به زیرِ عطر توست
    ke sar bezire atre toost
    which is ashamed of your smell***
    تو چین چینِ دامنی كه
    to chi chine damani ke
    (our date/rendezvous) in the pleat of that lap
    هزار تا بغض رو میشه شست
    hezar ta boghz o mishe shost
    where (we can) wash/clean 1000 spites