Lyrics: Albanian to English

Thread: Lyrics: Albanian to English

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  1. Balkaneuro said:


    This is very old folk song, Dibra is located in Macedonia there are many Albanians living there. I don't know much about the story that this song shares, but i hope the translate helps.

    Hajredin Pasha // a general in the ottoman army

    Oh poj vjen o Radikes // oh he is coming to (radikes?)
    Valla ku jan oh Kto malet e Dibre'es? // honestly, where are these mountains of Dibra?

    Valla ku jan oh mor' kėto malet e Dibres? Seriously, where are these mountains of Dibra.
    Hajro ku vjen oh mor' n'at fush oh t'Gjorices? Hajro(nick name for Hajredin) where are you coming to Gjorice's field.

    N'fush t'Gjorices oh more ke kala'aja // At Gjorice's field, oh at the castle
    Haredin Pashen e ka gjet bela'aja // Trouble has found Hajredin Pasha

    Se belaja Pashen q'e ka gjete // 'cause trouble has found the general
    Malet e Dibres more kan lidh Be'se // the mountains of Dibra have kept their word/ made a pact

    Ka ja lidh bes oh por kan lidh oh te tane // they have promised (kan lidh besen - literal - have tied their word)
    Turku Dibren oh mos mė ja la'anė // have the Turks not left Dibra

    Hajredin Pasha oh mor kry hutaqe // ?
    S'lidhet Dibra more me gerbaqe // ?

    Hajredin Pasha ku e ke oh ushtri'hine // Hajredin Pasha where is your army
    Malet e Dibres oh mor'mi kan ngri'hije // They have raised/taken my mountains of dibra

    Malet e Dibres oh kan mbet oh te tanė // the mountains of Dibra have remained ours
    Nuk jan pak oh mor' por 12 mijė // they aren't a few but twelve thousand

    I couldn't understand some of the Dibran vocabulary, i tried to work around it : )
  2. hanni said:


    hiya everyone...
    i was wondering if anyone could translate gzim uka - vetum 5 minuta for me
    i couldnt find the lyrics anywhere on the whole internet,..
    thanks x
  3. haydee's Avatar

    haydee said:


    Ilir Shaqiri - Ditėt e mėrzisė

    Ditėt e mėrzise janė si shiu i vjeshtės
    Gjethet e trishtimit binė qilimit t'heshtjesė
    Fundit tė liqenit i zgjojnė uturimat
    Qjejve tė braktisur ikin bubullimat.

    Shkojnė e vijnė kujtimet e pėrplasin derėn
    Nė kristale ngricash e shendrrojnė pranverėn
    Stina ik nga stina pelerin e zezė
    Mbi orėt e mia resh e resh krahnez.

    Zogu i plagosur luhatet maj plepit
    Ėndrra e harruar nuk i qaset djepit
    Nuk e do ninullėn nuk e do as gjumin
    Gjithqka ik pėrvajtshėm
    Me valėn e lumit!

    Ditėt e mėrzisė eh si vijnė papritur
    Me njė parambrėmje e qirinjė tė fikur
    E ndezin njė mall e derdhin njė lot
    S'bashku me vetminė ngrejmė dollin e kotė!

    Translate, please?
  4. Balkaneuro said:


    I hope this is the one

    Gezim Uka

    Vetem 5 minuta // just five minutes

    E bukur simpatike je // you are beautiful and the sympathetic type
    t'gjitha ti i ke // you have it all
    plotesoma deshiren vetem 1 here // fulfill my desire only one time
    miss te quajne ne shkolle // they call you miss at school
    e dime edhe ne // we know as well
    nuk eshte kompliment // it is not a compliment
    po gje e vertete // but the truth
    ty cdo kush te enderon // everyone dreams of you
    ty cdo kush te deshiron // everyone wants you

    Vetem 5 minuta // just five minutes
    dhe jo me shume // and no longer
    plotesoma deshiren // fulfill my desire
    te jesh me mua // to be with me
    jeta kalon si nje lume i shpejte // life passes by like a fast stream
    plotesoma deshiren ndonjehere //fulfill my desire sometime
  5. Balkaneuro said:


    there were many words that i didn't understand sorry

    Ilir Shaqiri - Ditėt e mėrzisė // days of misery

    Ditėt e mėrzise janė si shiu i vjeshtės // the days of misery are like the rain of fall
    Gjethet e trishtimit binė qilimit t'heshtjesė // the sad things fall, the carpets of silence grow
    Fundit tė liqenit i zgjojnė uturimat // the end of the lake the (uturimat?) wake
    Qjejve tė braktisur ikin bubullimat. // the abandoned (qjejve?) the thunder leaves

    Shkojnė e vijnė kujtimet e pėrplasin derėn // the memories come and go, they bang on the door
    Nė kristale ngricash e shendrrojnė pranverėn // an ice crystal has lightened up the spring
    Stina ik nga stina pelerin e zezė // the season goes the raincoat is black
    Mbi orėt e mia resh e resh krahnez. // above my hours, brave (krahnez?)

    Zogu i plagosur luhatet maj plepit // the injured bird (luhat?) on the (pelpit?)
    Ėndrra e harruar nuk i qaset djepit // the forgotten dream doesn't come close to the cradle
    Nuk e do ninullėn nuk e do as gjumin // it doesn't want the (ninullen?) or sleep
    Gjithqka ik pėrvajtshėm // everything goes (pervajtshem)
    Me valėn e lumit! // with the wave of the river

    Ditėt e mėrzisė eh si vijnė papritur // the days of misery, eh they come unexpectedly
    Me njė parambrėmje e qirinjė tė fikur // with a night before and lighted candles
    E ndezin njė mall e derdhin njė lot // they spark a longing, and drop a tear
    S'bashku me vetminė ngrejmė dollin e kotė! // together with loneliness we lift (dollin?) aimlessly
  6. hanni said:


    thank you Balkaneuro!!
  7. hanni said:


    Balkaneuro...that wasnt the one I meant but thank you anyway !! i really appreciate it. I think the one i meant was from gazmend rama- alo alo.
    Last edited by hanni; 06-19-2009 at 07:34 AM. Reason: wanted to meantion the song that I meant
  8. Balkaneuro said:


    aw my bad. Might it be this song, confirm for me and then i will translate haha : )

    ALO, ALO
    vetem 5 minuta

    Pse nuk mė shikon
    pse nuk mė ndėgjon,
    pse po ik prej meje
    mos ke gjet naj qetėr

    Ta kam dhan ty zemrėn
    e ti mua qka,
    por qem ke ti mua
    dashuri dhe fat

    Jabanxhi moj mu m'ke ba
    n'telefon s'pom fol nji fjal,
    tė kam dasht si syt e mi
    po qėrrohem un pa ty

    vetem 5 minuta (x2)

    Ti dhan numer tjeter
    isha n'merzi teper
    nuk te jem kujtuar
    mendove se jam tjeter

    Lot nė syt e mi
    as njė pik ska mbet,
    i harxhove ti
    bohesh se spo din
  9. haydee's Avatar

    haydee said:


    Balkaneuro, faleminderit! Can you do another one?

    Pirro Ēako - Larg prej sytė

    Dimėr ish kur ti mė ike,
    fjalėt heshtja i mbuloi.
    Hijen time nė valixhe,
    more larg.
    Puthja jote si relike,
    nė qėnien time mbeti gjatė,
    por, do tė ftohej... do tė ngrinte,
    pak nga pak.

    Sa papritur erdh' kjo ndarje,
    ritual qė ndodh ngaherė...
    Heshtj' e gjatė dhe... "S'tė harroj asnjėherė!"
    Shpend i hekurt qė tė mori,
    njė bosh tė madh mė la nė vete.
    Unė nė okė e ti nė qiell,
    mbeta vetėm...!

    Kur ti fluturove lart,
    sa do tė desha unė tė kisha krahė.
    Nė shkretėtirė tė universit,
    mos t'i humbja sytė e tu.
    Ti mė the: Unė jam e jotja,
    dhe as vdekja s'do tė na ndajė.
    S'je e para, as e fundit..
    "Larg nga sytė... prej zemrės larg...!"
    Ti mė the: Jo, s'tė harroj,
    tė kam shpirt, veē ty tė kam.
    Unė e di, mė ke harruar,
    Larg nga sytė, prej zemres larg.

    Dhe ne humbim nėpėr vite,
    Pa ngrohtėsi, larg njėri-tjetrit.
    Dhe fytyrat u harruan,
    Nė marrėzinė e kėtij planeti,
    sa tė pafaj ne te dy mbetėm.
    Erė u bė, nga duart iku,
  10. Balkaneuro said:


    Pirro Ēako

    Larg prej sytė // far from my eyes

    Dimėr ish kur ti mė ike, // it was winter when you left me
    fjalėt heshtja i mbuloi. // silence covered your words
    Hijen time nė valixhe, // my shadow in your suitcase
    more larg. // you took far away with you
    Puthja jote si relike, // your kiss like a relic
    nė qėnien time mbeti gjatė, stayed for long in my being
    por, do tė ftohej... do tė ngrinte, // but it would be cold, it would freeze
    pak nga pak. little by little

    Sa papritur erdh' kjo ndarje, // this break up was so unexpected
    ritual qė ndodh ngaherė... // its a ritual for it to happen once and a while
    Heshtj' e gjatė dhe... "S'tė harroj asnjėherė!" // a long silence and "i will never forget you!"
    Shpend i hekurt qė tė mori, // the fowl of iron that took you
    njė bosh tė madh mė la nė vete. // left me with a big empty space in my self
    Unė nė okė e ti nė qiell, // i am on earth and you are in the sky
    mbeta vetėm...! // i am left alone

    Kur ti fluturove lart, // when you fly above
    sa do tė desha unė tė kisha krahė. // how much i had wanted to have wings
    Nė shkretėtirė tė universit, // in the deserted space of the universe
    mos t'i humbja sytė e tu. // i couldn't lose your eyes
    Ti mė the: Unė jam e jotja, // you tole me: I am yours
    dhe as vdekja s'do tė na ndajė. // and that not even death could part us
    S'je e para, as e fundit.. // you are not the first, not the last
    "Larg nga sytė... prej zemrės larg...!" // "far from my eyes, far from my heart"
    Ti mė the: Jo, s'tė harroj, // you told me: no, i won't forget you
    tė kam shpirt, veē ty tė kam. // you are my soul, i only have you
    Unė e di, mė ke harruar, // i know you have forgotten me
    Larg nga sytė, prej zemres larg. // far from my eyes, far from my heart

    Dhe ne humbim nėpėr vite, // and being misplaced between years
    Pa ngrohtėsi, larg njėri-tjetrit. // without warmth, far from one another
    Dhe fytyrat u harruan, // and our faces have been forgotten
    pėrgjithmonė... // forever
    Nė marrėzinė e kėtij planeti, // in the foolishness of this planet
    sa tė pafaj ne te dy mbetėm. // we were left innocent
    Erė u bė, nga duart iku, // it became air, it left from our hands,
    dashuria...!// love
  11. hanni said:


    hiya Balkaneuro! yes you found it thank you sooo much... (A)
  12. Balkaneuro said:


    alo // hello
    alo fol me mua // hello, talk to me
    vetem 5 minuta // for just five minutes

    Pse nuk mė shikon // why don't you look at me
    pse nuk mė ndėgjon, // why don't you hear me
    pse po ik prej meje // why are you going away from me
    mos ke gjet naj qetėr // have you found another

    Ta kam dhan ty zemrėn // i have given you my heart
    e ti mua qka, // what have you given me
    por qem ke ti mua // what am i to you
    dashuri dhe fat // love and fate

    Jabanxhi moj mu m'ke ba // you have made me a stranger
    n'telefon s'pom fol nji fjal, // you don't say one word to me on the telephone
    tė kam dasht si syt e mi // i have loved you like my two eyes
    po qėrrohem un pa ty // i am going blind without you

    Ti dhan numer tjeter // they gave you another number
    isha n'merzi teper // i was very worried
    nuk te jem kujtuar // you didn't think of me
    mendove se jam tjeter // you thought i was another

    Lot nė syt e mi // tears in my eyes
    as njė pik ska mbet, // not one drop is left
    i harxhove ti // you wasted them all
    bohesh se spo din // you act as if you don't know
  13. Black said:


    Adelina Ismaili - Shko ners

    Nuk e din a po e sheh
    ēdo kufi e ke kalu
    por unė vetė kam faj
    qė kaq gjatė tė kam duru.

    A je ti, ai gjynah
    qė n'dy gjunj m'u pėrkule
    veq me fol njiherė me mu
    krenarinė tėnde e ule.

    Mos u habit me mendu
    se ēdo gjė mirė u bė
    unė veq t'thirra me t'thonė sonte
    dalkadale shko n'R.S.

    Ti vėrtetė po mendon
    qė po m'kallė kur s'po m'flet
    rikverc pak o djali nanit
    se n'kėtė botė nuk je vetė

    Unė mendjen ty ta rrita
    e ti shpejt u trimėrove
    n'gjep tė vogėl the se m'shtine
    kuku nonė sa shpejt u rrėzove.

    Could someone translate them? In addition to that, maybe explain a little why she is saying whatever it is and any meaning behind it.
  14. hanni said:


    thank you balkaneuro!! love that song so much.
  15. haydee's Avatar

    haydee said:


    Troja - Amaneti I ''clown''-it

    Jan do vjet qe kan kalue neper mue
    Mrena n'shpirt me forc pom shtyn me than..
    Kush jan kta njerz qe s'jan shkollue
    Nuk kan msu qe njeri nuk ban
    Shpin e vet me vjedh
    Jan do fjal qe nuk po muj me i than

    Jan kta njerz qe kan teprue
    Shum kan kushtu rrenat e tyne
    Jan tum qu atje ku veten nuk muj ma me gjet

    Edhe sa vjet duhet me shkue
    Mei duru kta njerz qe krejt forcen ma kan marr
    Jan kta njerz qe trunin ma kan la
    Jan kta njerz qe vet nuk muj mej nal

    Kisha dasht diqka me ndrrue
    Te kta njerz qe diellin diellin ma kan nal
    Sa shum vjet kam andrrue
    Kam besue.. zotit jum kam lut dielli me dal
    Po jan kta njerz qe diellin ma kan nal
    Jan kto vjet qe kurr nuk muj mej marr

    I understand that lyrics are not very accurate, but please translate)
  16. Balkaneuro said:


    Adelina Ismaili - Shko ners // go away

    Nuk e din a po e sheh // I don't know if you see
    ēdo kufi e ke kalu // that you have crossed every border
    por unė vetė kam faj // but it is my own fault
    qė kaq gjatė tė kam duru. // that i have dealt with you this long

    A je ti, ai gjynah // are you that sin
    qė n'dy gjunj m'u pėrkule // that you sat by me kneeling
    veq me fol njiherė me mu // just to talk to me one time
    krenarinė tėnde e ule. // you lowered your pride

    Mos u habit me mendu // don't be astonished while thinking
    se ēdo gjė mirė u bė // that everything turned out well
    unė veq t'thirra me t'thonė sonte // i only called you tonight to tell you
    dalkadale shko n'R.S. // slowly be on your way to r.s. (i think this is supposed to mean : "go wherever you want, get lost" I am not sure where r.s. is supposed to mean)

    Ti vėrtetė po mendon // you truly think
    qė po m'kallė kur s'po m'flet // that you make me burn when you don't talk to me
    rikverc pak o djali nanit // reverse (back up) a little bit oh mommy's boy
    se n'kėtė botė nuk je vetė // 'cause you aren't the only one in this world

    Unė mendjen ty ta rrita // i made you become full of yourself
    e ti shpejt u trimėrove // and you quickly became bold
    n'gjep tė vogėl the se m'shtine // you said you wouldn't even put me in your small pocket
    kuku nonė sa shpejt u rrėzove. // oh my look how quickly you fell
    Last edited by Balkaneuro; 06-22-2009 at 08:58 PM.
  17. Balkaneuro said:


    Troja - Amaneti i "Clown"-it // the will of the clown

    Jan do vjet qe kan kalue neper mue // these are the years that have passed between months
    Mrena n'shpirt me forc pom shtyn me than.. // in my soul it pushes me with force to say
    Kush jan kta njerz qe s'jan shkollue // who are these people that aren't educated
    Nuk kan msu qe njeri nuk ban // haven't they learned that a person cannot
    Shpin e vet me vjedh // steal their own home
    Jan do fjal qe nuk po muj me i than // these are the words that i cannot say

    Jan kta njerz qe kan teprue // it is these people who profuse
    Shum kan kushtu rrenat e tyne // their lies have been very costly
    Jan tum qu atje ku veten nuk muj ma me gjet // they have gone to that place where they cannot find themselves

    Edhe sa vjet duhet me shkue // how many more years do we have to go
    Mei duru kta njerz qe krejt forcen ma kan marr // standing these people that have taken all of my energy
    Jan kta njerz qe trunin ma kan la // it is these people that have made me lose my mind
    Jan kta njerz qe vet nuk muj mej nal // it is these people that i cannot stop on my own

    Kisha dasht diqka me ndrrue // i had wanted to change something
    Te kta njerz qe diellin diellin ma kan nal // from these people that have stopped the sun from me
    Sa shum vjet kam andrrue // i have dreamed for many years
    Kam besue.. zotit jum kam lut dielli me dal // i have believed, I have prayed to God to bring the sun out
    Po jan kta njerz qe diellin ma kan nal // but it is these people that have stopped the sun from me
    Jan kto vjet qe kurr nuk muj mej marr // it is these years that i will not be able to get back
  18. haydee's Avatar

    haydee said:


    Pėrktheni, ju lutem

    Pirro Cako - Taka krak

    S'mė merr gjumi...
    Prej sė largu
    vjen e shuhet ritmi i kėngės "Bailamos".
    Me sytė mbyllur si somnambul,
    hapat pak nga pak atje mė ēojnė

    Hyra brenda, syve s'ju besova,
    tė kish sjellė ty Zoti sonte veē pėr mua?
    Mikja ime, sa shumė tė kam kėrkuar,
    e vogėl ėshtė kjo botė pėr tu takuar.

    Kur ajo mė pa taka "krak", iu thye edhe ra,
    dhe ashtu e zbathur mu afrua.
    Sysh mė more! - tha...
    Unė nė gjumė rashė. Mė jep frymė i thashė,
    se jeta ėshtė vetėm njė ēast....
    Sikur tė ma falėsh trupin tėnd kėtė natė,
    ti s'bėn mėkat!

    Dot nuk pritėm,
    dritėn fikėm,
    ishim dy tė dashuruar, jo fajtorė...
    Rastėsi... je mbret i botės,
    vjen njė herė dhe ikėn pėrgjithmonė.

    Gjithė pasion m'u dha kur e pushtova,
    afshi i saj nė Qiell tė Shtatė mė ngjiti mua...
    Mikja ime, ti frymė mė dhe nga vetja,
    nė kėtė botė mė mbyt pa fund vetmia.
  19. Balkaneuro said:


    Pirro Cako - Taka "krak " - heel of stiletto goes "crack"

    S'mė merr gjumi... // i can't go to bed
    Prej sė largu // from far away
    vjen e shuhet ritmi i kėngės "Bailamos". // the rhythm of the song "Bailamos" comes and goes
    Me sytė mbyllur si somnambul, // with eyes closed like (somnambul?)
    hapat pak nga pak atje mė ēojnė // slowly my steps take me there

    Hyra brenda, syve s'ju besova, // i went inside, i didn't believe my eyes
    tė kish sjellė ty Zoti sonte veē pėr mua? // god had brought you here tonight just for me
    Mikja ime, sa shumė tė kam kėrkuar, // my friend, how much i have asked about you
    e vogėl ėshtė kjo botė pėr tu takuar. // this is a small world to meet in

    Kur ajo mė pa taka "krak", iu thye edhe ra, // when she saw me, the heel (of her stiletto) went "crack" it broke and she fell
    dhe ashtu e zbathur mu afrua. // so then she came to me bare foot
    Sysh mė more! - tha... // "you jinxed me" - she said
    Unė nė gjumė rashė. Mė jep frymė i thashė, // i fell in my dream. You give me breath i told her
    se jeta ėshtė vetėm njė ēast.... // 'cause life is only a moment (like a moment / very quick)
    Sikur tė ma falėsh trupin tėnd kėtė natė, // if you were to give me body to me tonight
    ti s'bėn mėkat! // you wouldn't sin

    Dot nuk pritėm, // we couldn't wait
    dritėn fikėm, we turned the light out
    ishim dy tė dashuruar, jo fajtorė... // we were two lovers, not guilty
    Rastėsi... je mbret i botės, // coincidently, you are the queen of the world
    vjen njė herė dhe ikėn pėrgjithmonė. // you come once and leave for forever

    Gjithė pasion m'u dha kur e pushtova, // i was full of passion when i invaded
    afshi i saj nė Qiell tė Shtatė mė ngjiti mua... // her fervor brought me to the seventh heaven
    Mikja ime, ti frymė mė dhe nga vetja, // my friend, you yourself gave me breath
    nė kėtė botė mė mbyt pa fund vetmia. // in this world, loneliness endlessly suffocates me

    I'll make a song recommendation: Pirro Cako and Elsa Lila - "Diferenca Je Ti", very nice song : )
  20. haydee's Avatar

    haydee said:


    Balkaneuro, thanks, I've alredy heard that song. Actually, I have listened to all of Pirro's songs which are available for download