Can Someone Translate This Song Plz
Can Someone Translate This Song Plz
is it this song? when i searched i could only find this?
yüzüne bakamam yandırır beni
gece uykularından kaldırır beni
girsem kalbine çeker derdine
her halin aşkına bulandırır beni
salkım saçak saçlarımı
sen topla yarim
evir çevir sen yüreğimi nikahına al
giyindir kuşandır ter temiz kalbim
kolumdan tutup da yatağına la
nazım olayım yar
sazın olayım yar
bir günü sen ver ömrün olayım vayyy
nazın nazın olayım yar
sazın sözün olayım yar
bir günü sen ve ömrün olayım yar
Yes This Is It Babyy.... Its Actually Called Nikahina Ai I Need The Translation For That And This One Too( Beni Kiskandirma )
Can Sum 1 Plz Translate The 2 Songs Of Intizar (nikahina Ai) And (beni Kiskandirma) Plz Plz Plz Plz Thanx In Advance...luv Ya All!
OMG where did I send all the translation I did
aksios hi baby could u please find the translation for me thanx in advance
Hi dear, I translated them just after you opened this topic but I think Steena moved this topic I don't know what but my translations are gone! Now I need courage to do it again!
ok i encourage u to do so again or ask whoever moved them
yüzüne bakamam yandırır beniI cannot look at your face, it makes me burn
gece uykularından kaldırır beniIt wakes me up from night's sleepings
girsem kalbine çeker derdineIf I enter your heart, it pulls me into its trouble
her halin aşkına bulandırır beniEvery aspect of yours makes me blurry for the love
salkım saçak saçlarımıMy hanging down untidily hair
sen topla yarimYou pick them together my lover
evir çevir sen yüreğimi nikahına alTake my heart into your marriage
giyindir kuşandır ter temiz kalbimGet my spanking clean heart dressed
kolumdan tutup da yatağına laTake me into your bed by holding my arm
nazım olayım yarI shall be your coy darling
sazın olayım yarI shall be your Saz(It is an instrument but it has been used as symbol for love too)
bir günü sen ver ömrün olayım vayyyYou give a day, I shall be your lifetime
For now I only did this and the other is coming soon=)
thanxxxxxxxxxxxx alot aksios can u pleaz teach me turkish i wana learn and visit turkey soon )
Opps, didn't you ask for two songs of her?
I remember like that from the 'moved' topic
Yes The Other One Is Called Beni Kiskandirma
Offf, I DID translate it! Let me ask you, where did you post this topic at first and someone needed to move it?
i dont know
Sevdiğimi biliyorsun ama saygın yok/ you know that i love (you), but you dont respect
Kolunla takıp gezdiriyorsun bende gözün yok/ you take out walking, with linked arms, you dont have eyes on me
Sen beni umursama bakalım/ ok then let's see dont care me
Ocağıma düşersen yakarım/ (but) if you be at the mercy of me, then i'll burn (you)
Ona buna bakıp beni küstürme/ dont offend me by looking at everybody
Yüzüme nasıl bakarım/ how can i look at my face
Başımın üstünde yerin/ your place above my head (yani she means he is very important that he have a place above her head)
Kalbimin içinde derin/ deep inside my heart
Senin için ölüyorum yok mu haberin/ dont you know, im dying for you
Bir sağa bir sola sallanıp beni kıskandırma/ dont make jealous by dangly to the right and the left
Hasetinden sen çatlarsın sonra gözüm olur dışarda/ you'll die of exhaustion because of your longing after my eyes will be out
Bir sağa bir sola sallanıp beni kıskandırma/ dont make jealous by dangly to the right and the left
Hasetinden sen çatlarsın ama gözüm olur dışarda/ you'll die of exhaustion because of your longing, but my eyes will be out
Aşkımın kölesi oldun sesim çıkmıyor/ you became slave of my love, (but) i dont say anything
Dert versen derman versen dilim susuyor/ even if you give sorrow or remedy my tongue doenst say anything
what does BENI KISKANDIRMA really mean?