Suisse Deutsch translation in English

Thread: Suisse Deutsch translation in English

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  1. Melkyas's Avatar

    Melkyas said:

    Default Suisse Deutsch translation in English

    I have 2 questions...

    1. Could someone help me understand what this means in English:
    ""Fabienne geit iz de uf La Chaux-de-Fonds. "" ?

    2. Could someone help me find either a relatively inexpensive language learning software or have any ideas on how I can learn Suisse Deutsch? The reason I'm asking is because I'm going to be moving to Switzerland soon and I don't want to be completely helpless when I get there if you know what I mean.

    If anyone could help or have any ideas, I would be so grateful.
  2. tim2286's Avatar

    tim2286 said:


    swiss* btw
  3. Steena's Avatar

    Steena said:


    I believe that this would be "Fabienne goes to La Chaux-de-Fonds" (which is a place in Switzerland close to the French border).

    Sorry, no idea where to learn the language. Maybe it would be good if you gather the basics with Hochdeutsch And I also believe that every Swiss person is able to speak another language - depending on where they live.
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  4. tim2286's Avatar

    tim2286 said:


    About 70% of switzerland speaks german. It depends where you are, the closer you are to italy, the more italian speakers you will find, the closer you are to france the more french you will find.

    Here's the link I found
  5. Melkyas's Avatar

    Melkyas said:


    I know they speak other languages. It's just that I'm almost full-blooded very last name originates right out of Bern, Switzerland. So that's why I want to learn the language out of respect, not only for the public, but for my name.
  6. Cosmonaut's Avatar

    Cosmonaut said:


    I think, as Steena said, the best approach would be starting to learn Hochdeutsch, as it's the foundation of swissdeutsch. I also assume that, knowing normal German, you're far from helpless in Switzerland. I never was, at any rate, and I only speak Hochdeutsch.

    Good luck!
  7. Rosemarie said:


    Have you been moving to Switzerland already?
  8. Rosemarie said:


    Ok, I give you some Bern-German lessons if you wish...
  9. Melkyas's Avatar

    Melkyas said:


    Sorry it took me this long to respond to your reply Rosemarie, but would you still be up for helping me learn?
  10. revo said:


    Quote Originally Posted by Melkyas View Post
    Sorry it took me this long to respond to your reply Rosemarie, but would you still be up for helping me learn?
    im gonna help you out.
    ""Fabienne geit iz de uf La Chaux-de-Fonds. "" ? MEANS that fabienne is going to lachxihuuhcfnds (damn!!) soon....

    best way to learn bärndütsch (bernish german) is to learn the basics in german i think. just go there and youll see that people understand you no matter wheter you are in french,german,italian or roman part of switzerland. most citizens speak multiple of these official languages