Don't cry my heart / Aglama_Kalbim
There are fears inside me sometimes / Zaman Zaman icimde korkular
Somebody should tell you to stop, please / biri sana dur desin ne olur...
My heart is tired, it is silent inside me, my eyes are wet / Kalbim yorgun icim suskun gözlerim nemli
You are gone to far away places, you are gone / Gittin uzaklara gittin...
You left me in the middle of this love, under the rain / Beni bu sevdanin ortasinda yagmurlarin altinda terk ettin...
My heart is tired, it is silent inside me, my eyes are wet / Kalbim yorgun icim suskun gözlerim nemli
I loved you i loved too much / Sevdim seni cok sevdim....
I loved you i loved too much / Sevdim seni cooook sevdim....
Trying to forget is such a bad destiny / Unutmaya calismak ne kötü bir kaderdir
Getting used to loneliness is / yanlizliga alismak
sealing the heart...offf no way / kalbi mühürlemektir... offfff olmuyorrr....
Don't cry my heart, you grew up, don't tire yourself anymore / Aglama kalbim büyüdün artik hic kendini yorma
Don't push it my heart, you will experience more in this life / Zorlama kalbim daha cok görücen sen bu hayatta
Don't cry my heart, you grew up, don't tire yourself anymore / Aglama kalbim büyüdün artik hic kendini yorma
Don't push it my heart, you will suffer more in this fake world / Zorlama kalbim daha cok cekicen su yalan dünyada !!!
In generosity and helping others be like a river...
In anger and fury be like dead...
In tolerance be like sea...
Either appear as you are, or be as you look...