Natacha - Los La to English

Thread: Natacha - Los La to English

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  1. Macbard's Avatar

    Macbard said:

    Default Natacha - Los La to English

    Hello To everyone

    Any takers to translate this to English?

    Natacha - Los La

    Das Lied isch wiene Liebesbrief für di
    I schribene viel zpät - u glych mues es sy
    o we me weis - s geit aus verby
    wes de passiert - preichts eim de glych
    was wäri wenn würum wiso isch so cho

    Muesch losla - u schpringe
    Muesch losla - s geit ringer
    Muesch losla
    Ou we de meinsch du packsches nid

    Das chaos wo nis d Sicht uf üs versperrt
    u ds Liebesspiel verlehrt - vergäbe gwehrt
    Ha gloubt - das nie so wyt würd cho
    doch chönnti zrügg i miechs nomau eso
    wäs wäri wenn lit hinger mir irgendwie

    muesch losla - u schpringe
    muesch losla - s geit ringer
    tue losla
    ou wes dr fasch dis Härz verschrisst

    muesch losla - sgeit wyter
    muesch losla - s wird besser
    tue losla
    sgit öpper wo de zu dir steit

    woni zum erschtemau gschtorbe bi
    I weiss no genau wienes denn isch gsy
    ganz still und liis
    i Bi 18 ni gsy
    Wenn man dem Hass freien Lauf läßt, wird er die Seele von innen zerstören.
  2. Steena's Avatar

    Steena said:


    I did a very very bad job A lot is still missing!

    Natacha - Los La
    Let go

    Das Lied isch wiene Liebesbrief für di
    I schribene viel zpät - u glych mues es sy
    o we me weis - s geit aus verby
    wes de passiert - preichts eim de glych
    was wäri wenn würum wiso isch so cho

    This song is like a love letter to you
    I wrote much too late - and it has to be now
    Even if you know - everything will soon be over
    What happens then - ...
    [preichts = bringen?]
    What would be if, why is it this way

    Muesch losla - u schpringe
    Muesch losla - s geit ringer
    Muesch losla
    Ou we de meinsch du packsches nid

    Have to let go - and jump
    Have to let go - it goes down
    Have to let go
    And don't dare to think you can't make it

    Das chaos wo nis d Sicht uf üs versperrt
    u ds Liebesspiel verlehrt - vergäbe gwehrt
    Ha gloubt - das nie so wyt würd cho
    doch chönnti zrügg i miechs nomau eso
    wäs wäri wenn lit hinger mir irgendwie

    The chaos that blocks our perception of ourselves
    And makes us forget the game of love - and allows forgiveness
    I thought it would never lead this far
    But if I can go back I'd do it this way again
    What would be if it lies behind me somehow

    muesch losla - u schpringe
    muesch losla - s geit ringer
    tue losla
    ou wes dr fasch dis Härz verschrisst

    Let go
    Even if it nearly tears your heart apart

    muesch losla - sgeit wyter
    muesch losla - s wird besser
    tue losla
    sgit öpper wo de zu dir steit

    Have to let go - it goes on
    Have to let go - it gets better
    Let go
    There's someone supporting you

    woni zum erschtemau gschtorbe bi
    I weiss no genau wienes denn isch gsy
    ganz still und liis
    i Bi 18 ni gsy

    When I died for the first time
    I exactly remember how it was
    Very quiet and silent
    I never turned 18
    होता है जो होना है ... वक़्त ही शायद खुदा है ...
    कौन कहता है आदमी अपनी किस्मत खुद लिखता है?
  3. Macbard's Avatar

    Macbard said:


    Hello Steena

    I realize these ones are difficult and I thank you for your efforts regarding the translation of this song.

    Have a good day, Macbard
    Wenn man dem Hass freien Lauf läßt, wird er die Seele von innen zerstören.
  4. Steena's Avatar

    Steena said:


    You're most welcome I hope that someone will soon help us with the blanks and things in question.
    होता है जो होना है ... वक़्त ही शायद खुदा है ...
    कौन कहता है आदमी अपनी किस्मत खुद लिखता है?
  5. Tahira's Avatar

    Tahira said:


    Oh I know - everything will soon be over

    I think the O in the swiss lyrics means "AUCH"
    but I do not understand the rest of the sentence either.

    And makes us forget the game of love - ...(?) and allows forgivness

    I do not knwo the rest, again.

    Thank you Steena for starting right away with the swiss translations.
  6. Steena's Avatar

    Steena said:


    Oh yes, you seem to be right about "o" I have added the other suggestion!
    होता है जो होना है ... वक़्त ही शायद खुदा है ...
    कौन कहता है आदमी अपनी किस्मत खुद लिखता है?
  7. revo said:


    wes de passiert - preichts eim de glych
    if it happens then - it is gonna hit you anyway (then)

    was wäri wenn würum wiso isch so cho
    What would be if, why why did it come this way

    wäs wäri wenn lit hinger mir irgendwie
    What would be if.. - it lies behind me somehow (this question)

    i Bi 18 ni gsy
    i was 18

    just a little addition to you proper translation steena i love you
  8. feuersteve's Avatar

    feuersteve said:


    nüüt so schlimm Steena i gloub.
    Gott zur Ehr, dem nächsten zur Wehr

    What if they gave a fire and nobody came.