
Thread: Zdraveite!

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  1. lopatka's Avatar

    lopatka said:


    Finnish is quite difficult for now :} The grammar and pronunciation are easy for me, but the structure of the words is killing me

    Anyways, here are some hip-hop & raggae bands I love:

    http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=L_OyH...om=PL&index=28 --> DRS - Raggaskit II

    http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=UTqm1...eature=related --> DRS+ - Raggaskit III (Znak mi dai)

    http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=T5lZU...eature=related --> DRS ft. Nokaut - Top 10

    http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=TYyfR...eature=related --> Sensei - Vejliviat los

    http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=kYaJqJikJsc - Sensei ft Ndoe - Intriga

    http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=GsYZ3...eature=related --> Sensei - Vervam ti

    http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Z53Sb9gckQI --> Soundtrack ft. Sensei - Chiba (Bg ragga)

    http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=H4e6DiaP3es --> DIS - Niama vreme

    http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=HrVbV3s-RnA --> DRS - Kozat e rol

    http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=_m4xz...eature=related --> Ragga One - Muzika vuv venite

    http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=MPkGE7_0U_M --> Smotan MC - Kashe

    :}} haha a rather long list ...
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  2. NyLoN_BoY's Avatar

    NyLoN_BoY said:


    Quote Originally Posted by kateri4ka View Post
    yeah, I'm not a big fan of a lot of American-made things...foreign metal is so melodic and crazy and awesome...but i love my LoG.I actually got to meet em and introduce em Live on stage when they came to NY. (http://www.kyte.tv/ch/71864-logkyte/...obile-show-239)

    They played with Children of Bodom and As I Lay Dying, who performed pretty well too. I felt horrible for Alexi Laiho from Bodom cuz he got into an accident and like broke his shoulder or something but still played on every stop on the tour...but when they played that night in NY, he ran out of Vicodin and his other painkillers, and it was just too much pain, but that man has my respect to the fullest.

    Someone threw their shoe at Randy and the crowd was commanded to find that person and F them up.... Wouldn't wanna be that guy:
    I know. I was at the concert of Tarja Turunen (the former vocal of Nightwish) and it was sooooo awesome. I think she has a tour in North Americca soon. I must check that out You should check that singer, she is great
    Всичко е лъжа, заблуда и лъжа, заблуда, всичко е лъжа...
  3. kateri4ka's Avatar

    kateri4ka said:


    Quote Originally Posted by NyLoN_BoY View Post
    I know. I was at the concert of Tarja Turunen (the former vocal of Nightwish) and it was sooooo awesome. I think she has a tour in North Americca soon. I must check that out You should check that singer, she is great
    I know Tarja, not personally of course though that woold be wicked as hell. yeah, nightwish was great, she has an amazing voice. have you heard her new material? beautiful!

    argh, my bulgarian study looks like it will have to slow down soon, as classes start over here on friday. ive forgotten some japanese already. thank god my sensei does a review session!

    how has everyones summer been? i got a new cellphone and check bulgarias weather daily.
    "Punish me, for when it is the lash that one seeks, there is nothing sweeter than the blood from whence it came. We could call it love, for lack of a better word." -- By Myself
  4. I'm unstoppable said:


    My summer is just great I've been to a lot of places (abroad and in the interior) ... but the bad news are that it will be a history soon and that the school year is knocking at the door, figuratively

    P.C. What kind is your GSM, Jess ??? Sony Ericsson is mine.
    C'est la vie!
  5. LadyDiamond.дама диамант's Avatar

    LadyDiamond.дама диамант said:


    Hi Jess i love Bulgaria also