Απολογούμαι-I apologize, by Κακά κορίτσια-Naughty girls
Good morning
This is one of the finest ballads of the nineties, by a girls’ group which no longer exists, Κακά κορίτσια-Kaka koritsia which in English translates as “Naughty girls”. I think it’s very nice and melodic, a pity such songs are no longer composed.
Απολογούμαι-I confess
Απολογούμαι για την τρέλα που οδηγούμαι
I confess for the madness where I’m driven
και για το μέλλον που μαζί πια δε θα δούμε
and for the future that together no more shall we watch
για όλα αυτά που δεν προλάβαμε να πούμε
For all that we had no time to tell
στον εαυτό μου στον καθρέφτη απολογούμαι
To myself, in front of the mirror, I confess
Απολογούμαι που τυχαία θα βρεθούμε
I confess, that incidentally we shall meet
και σαν δυο φίλοι από παλιά θα κοιταχτούμε
and as two old friends we shall look each other
κάτι κοινό να μας ενώνει δε θα βρούμε
Something common to join us we won't find
ένοχη είμαι και γι΄αυτό
I plead guilty and as such…
Απολογούμαι κι ας μου λες πως είναι αργά
I apologize… though you tell me it’s too late
εγώ αλήθειες πια δε θέλω να χρωστάω
I no more wish to owe truths
κι αν τώρα ζούμε παραμύθια χωριστά
And if now we apart live our tales
απολογούμαι που ακόμα σ' αγαπάω
I confess… for still loving you
Απολογούμαι κι ας μου λες πως είναι αργά
I apologize… though you tell me it’s too late
εγώ αλήθειες πια δε θέλω να χρωστάω
I no more wish to owe truths
κι αν τώρα ζούμε παραμύθια χωριστά
And if now we live our tales apart
συγχώρεσέ με που εγώ ακόμα σ' αγαπάω
Forgive me… me who still love you
Απολογούμαι που θα αναρωτηθούμε
I confess… because we shall wonder
με κάποιους άλλους αν θα παρηγορηθούμε
With some others whether we'll find comfort
όπως κι εσύ κι εγώ στο τίποτα θ' αρκούμαι
Like yourself, I too with nothing will suffice
μα τί να πούμε μα τι να πούμε
But what to say, what to say…
Απολογούμαι κι ας μου λες πως είναι αργά
I apologize… though you tell me it’s too late
εγώ αλήθειες πια δε θέλω να χρωστάω
I no more wish to owe truths
κι αν τώρα ζούμε παραμύθια χωριστά
And if now we live our tales apart
απολογούμαι που ακόμα σ' αγαπάω
I confess… for still loving you
It was exceptionally challenging because of the tricky use of both active and passive voice verbs ending in “oume”. Simply impossible to convey it in English, I did not even try, which means that the beauty of its original lyricism is lost… I'm sorry for that...
Another issue is with the use of “απολογούμαι”. It has been transferred in English as “apologize”, but its meaning has been differentiated through the centuries. Today it’s just a synonym of “I’m sorry”. So the correct translation would be “confess”, but it's inadequate because, to my understanding it's used in the text as both "I'm sorry" and "I confess"...
Here it is on youtube, a nice synthesis full of bleak heart pics, mine is on 1:49… http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=khOsgjOg77I
Best regards,
Last edited by BleakHeart; 09-27-2009 at 03:19 AM.
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Nikos Kazantzakis