Well, thanks to baby_girl_ I could examine the way Romanians express their thoughts, the complicates syntax became a little more clear, so this time things went better, but it's still a long way to go.
Please check my attempt to translate the song. Also I would appreciate if you check the diacritics I had to put - sometimes merely by ear.
Thanks in advance!
(PS I can get mixed up in English grammar as well, so you needn't correct tenses or something - I understand what happened when even if I write it wrong in English
La tanti Nina ardea lumină
At aunt Nina's lights were on
Când eu întâmplător treceam de viaţ
ă plin şi mă duceam acasă
[b]When I, accidentally, full
of life
, was passing by, on my way home
Unde nevasta care mă iubeşte
Where my wife who loves me
Întruna stă şi se gândeşte
Stays and thinks
Că degrabă vin când 'colo hopa
that in a hurry I'll come, but what do you see?/ but what to see?*
Apare Steopa
Steopa appears
Deodată am înţeles că planu' s-o schimbat şi-acasă n-am s-ajung degrabă
I suddenly realised that my plans had changed and I won't be home soon
La tanti Nina îi tanti Zina
Auntie Zina is at auntie Nina
Şi parcă mult îi trebuie un bărbat
And it looks like she strongly needs a man
Care are inimă slabă
Who has a weak heart
Bărbăţelu' meu cel bun pe unde, Doamne, şede?
Where could my good husband be, my God/Lord?**
Stă săracu', cred că-n drum şi-ndură foame, sete
Poor man, I think he's on his way and suffers from hunger and thirst
Doamne, ajută-l dacă ştii, de poate nu dovedeşte
God, help him if you know...
unfortunatelly, the second half doesnt't make any sense to me too (either it's "nu dovedeste"or "nu-l dovedeste", still doesn't make sense)..I've tried to find the song so that I could listen what he's saying, but...I couldn't find it..
Cred că numa' la copii şi la mine se gândeşte
He's probably thinking only about me and the kids
I know
La tanti Nina s-o stins lumina
At aunt Nina's lights were off
Când eu întâmplător lu' Zina i-am zis 'da' şi am uitat de casă
When I, accidentally, said 'yes' to Zina and forgot about my home
Unde nevasta şi de data asta
Where my wife this time
Ca-ntotdeauna cu mâncare cald
ă m-aştepta сând 'colo hopa
Just like always, waits for me with warm food when what do you see / what to see
Dispare Steopa
Steopa disappears
Deodată am înţeles că planu' s-o schimbat şi n-ar fi rău s-o şterg acasă
I suddenly realised that my plans had changed and it would be better to get back home
Că tanti Nina cu tanti Zina
Because auntie Nina and auntie Zina
Eu nu stiu cât băuse da' băuse mult
[b]I don't know how
much did she drink
but I know it was a lot
Şi se-mbătase
And got drunken
Bărbăţelu' meu cel bun pe unde, Doamne, şede?
Stă săracu', cred că-n drum şi-ndură foame, sete
Doamne, ajută-l dacă ştii, de poate nu dov'deşte
Cred că numa' la copii şi la mine se gândeşte