E 'ncuntràmmoce e dàmmoce 'a mano/ and let's meet and shake hands
si stammo vicine putimmo parlà/ if we stay close we can talk
e parlanno parlanno parlanno/ and by talking and talking
quanti ccòse se pònno accuncià/ how many things can be fixed
quanti ccòse ca sulo si 'e ddice/ how many things just by saying them
te fanno fà pace e te fanno scurdà/ help you to make peace and forget
e parlanno parlanno parlanno/ and by talking and talking
quanti strade se pònno truvà/ how many ways we can find
Viéne ccà e parlammo si avimm' 'a parlà/ come here and let's talk if we have to
viéne ccà, pecché ê vvòte 'o silenzio tu 'o ssaje/ come here, because sometimes silence, you know that,
nun se po' suppurtà / can't be endured
Si faje male a 'n amico e 'o vuo' bbène/ if you hurt a friend you love
l' hê 'a dicere "viéne te voglio parlà…"/ you just have to say him "come here, i wanna talk to you"
e parlanno parlanno parlanno/ and by talking and talking
chi ha sbagliato se fa' perdunà/ who has made a mistake can be forgiven
e succède ca pure l' ammore/ and it happens that love too
si nun te ne cure se vótta a stancà…/ if it's not treated well may get tired
ma parlanno parlanno parlanno/ but by talking and talking
'e fferite se pònno sanà/ you can heal the wounds
Viéne ccà e parlammo si avimm' 'a parlà/ come here and let's talk if we have to
viéne ccà, pecché ê vvòte 'o silenzio tu 'o ssaje/ come here, because sometimes silence, you know that,
nun se po' suppurtà / can't be endured
"-Please tell me you're going to appeal to my humanity..."
"-Actually, I'm planning to threaten you."
"Well, if you'll excuse me, I have work to do. Evil plots don't just make themselves, you know!"